Guide to Java Developer's Library

The Java™ Developer's Library is a complete resource package for creating Java ME applications (called "MIDlets") for Series 40 and Symbian devices. The library contains getting started and introductory documentation, instructions, tutorials, and API-level information.

The Java Developer's Library version 3.9 supports devices up to Java Runtime 1.0.0 for Series 40 and Java Runtime 2.2 for Symbian. Java platforms are backwards-compatible, so the information in this library is valid for earlier Series 40 and Symbian platforms releases as well, unless noted otherwise.

Intended audience

This library is intended for Java developers looking to create Java ME applications for Series 40 and Symbian devices. You must have basic Java programming skills to use this library.

Library contents

This library contains the following main sections:

  • Getting started

    This section shows you how to setup the Java ME development environment and create a simple Hello World MIDlet for Series 40 and Symbian devices.

  • Introduction to Java ME

    This section provides an overview of Java ME and the Java Runtime for Series 40 and Symbian devices. This section also lists the Java APIs supported by Series 40 and Symbian devices.

  • Working with MIDlets

    This section provides detailed information about MIDlets and describes the general steps involved in developing them. This section also walks you through designing and testing MIDlets as well as deploying them to a device.

  • Developer's guides

    This section provides in-depth instructions for using the Java APIs supported by the Series 40 and Symbian platforms. The instructions are organized into guides by area of technology. The guides provide introductions of the related APIs, instructions for using the APIs in MIDlets, and step-by-step tutorials for creating full example MIDlets.

  • Javadocs

    This section contains the specifications ("Javadocs") for the Java APIs supported by the Series 40 and Symbian platforms.

  • Implementation notes

    Implementation notes provide information about how API specifications are implemented on the Series 40 and Symbian platforms. For each API, the implementation notes document which optional parts of the API are supported, clarify vaguely defined features from the API specification, and point out where the platform implementation differs from the API specification. Implementation notes also provide information about implementation changes between platform releases.

  • Source codes for examples

    This section provides links to example MIDlet projects and source codes used in the library.

Further developer resources

To find out which devices use which platform release, see Nokia Developer device specifications.

For technical details that you cannot find in the Java Developer's Library, see the Java articles in the Nokia Developer Wiki. There you will find how-to articles, code examples, and Known Issues related to Java ME. You can also look for Known Issues as well as Technical Solutions in the Nokia Developer Knowledge Base.

If you cannot find the required information from the Java Developer's Library or the above resources, or if you need help in troubleshooting a technical issue, try one of the following:

  • Post on the Java ME Discussion Forum on Nokia Developer. On the Java ME Discussion Forum, technical experts and developers discuss about various Java ME issues on a daily basis.

  • Submit a support request to Nokia Developer Technical Support. Nokia Developer Technical Support offers technical expertise to mobile developers during the application development process. Nokia Developer Technical Support is designed to solve a specific problem or answer a specific technical question. You are charged a fixed fee for each support request.

Navigating the library

Java Developer's Library has a dynamic Table of Contents on the left side of the screen and the actual content is displayed on the right side of the screen. Your current location in the library structure is highlighted with dark background. When following links in the text, you can synchronize your location with the Table of Contents with the Show in Table of Contents button in the top right corner of the screen.

The top of the main area shows the current topic's location in the table of contents hierarchy, enabling you to navigate to the desired level in the table of contents hierarchy.

Home button on top of the right pane opens the library's main page. Use Go Back and Go Forward buttons on top of the right pane to navigate within the history of viewed topics.


You can search for text in the whole library or only in topics you are interested in.

To search for text in all topics:

  1. Type the text to be searched in the Search field.

  2. Click the GO button. Search results are shown in the Search Results tab.

You can also limit your search to include only topics in selected chapters by clicking the Search scope.

You can use search expressions according to the following examples:

  • touch or copy = touch OR copy finds topics containing at least one of the search items.

  • touch and copy = touch AND copy = touch copy (with a space between the searched items) finds topics containing both search items.

  • "Touch UI" finds topics containing the exact search phrase Touch UI.