The following is the source for the SignedMIDlet class.
import*; import*; import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; import javax.microedition.midlet.*; public class SignedMIDlet extends MIDlet implements Runnable, CommandListener private final TextField text = new TextField("", "", 256, TextField.ANY); private final Form form = new Form("HTTP Result"); private final Command exitCommand = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1); private final Command okCommand = new Command("Load", Command.OK, 1); public SignedMIDlet() {} public void startApp() { if (Display.getDisplay(this).getCurrent()==null) form.setCommandListener(this); form.addCommand(exitCommand); form.addCommand(okCommand); form.append(text); Display.getDisplay(this).setCurrent(form); } } public void pauseApp() {} public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) {} public void run() { // do an action that requires permission, e.g. HTTP connection try { String url = getAppProperty("url"); HttpConnection connection = (HttpConnection); InputStream in = connection.openInputStream(); int counter = 0; int ch; while ((ch = != -1) { counter++; } in.close(); connection.close(); text.setString("Bytes read: " + counter); } catch (IOException e) { text.setString("IOException: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (SecurityException e) { text.setString("SecurityException: " + e.getMessage()); } } public void commandAction(Command command, Displayable displayable) { if (command == exitCommand) { notifyDestroyed(); } else if (command == okCommand) { new Thread(this).start(); } }