JAR files

MIDlets must be packaged in JAR files for delivery to mobile devices. A JAR file is a compressed archive file that can be opened with most file compression applications, including WinZip. Eclipse and NetBeans create JAR files automatically during the building/deployment process. A JAR file contains several types of files:

  • The compiled Java .class files.

  • Other resources (video, audio, images) placed in the res subdirectory.

  • A plain text MANIFEST.MF placed in META-INF subdirectory.

For internet distribution, the MIME-type application/java-archive must be set in the web server for JAR files.

MANIFEST.MF files have a similar function as the JAD files described below and both are required for proper MIDlet deployment. A MANIFEST.MF file contains meta-information about the MIDlet, such as version number and MIDlet name. The function and attributes of MANIFEST.MF are described in the table JAD and MANIFEST.MF parameters.