Creating listeners

When LocationProvider has been successfully created, it can be used to register the MIDlet to listen for regular location updates and to detect certain coordinate proximity. Current location update and location provider state change events can be listened to through the LocationListener interface (see the following code sample). Through this interface a JSR-179 application may track a device's route.

Code sample: LocationListener interface's skeleton (TouristRoute's class)

public void locationUpdated(LocationProvider provider, final Location location)

public void providerStateChanged(LocationProvider provider, final int newState)

Note: The standard LocationListener interface does not set the location or newState parameters as final. In the example, the final keyword is used on parameters to enable the anonymous thread implementation to access the reference. In the TouristRoute example, both implemented methods start a new thread, because LocationListener methods should return quickly without performing any extensive processing.

Through ProximityListener, the interface MIDlet obtains notifications when a registered coordinate is detected (see the following code sample). Proximity event listening makes it possible to monitor when the device arrives in a certain area, for example close to a hotel or restaurant.

Code sample: Proximity listener's skeleton (TouristRoute's TouristData class)

public void proximityEvent(Coordinates coordinates, Location location)

public void monitoringStateChanged(boolean isMonitoringActive)