Encrypted messages: SATSA-CRYPTO

The purpose of SATSA is to specify a collection of APIs that provides security and trust services by integrating a Security Element (SE). A SE, a component in a J2ME device, provides the following benefits:

  • Cryptographic operations to support payment protocols, data integrity, and data confidentiality.

  • A secure execution environment to deploy custom security features. J2ME applications would rely on these features to handle many value-added services, such as user identification and authentication, banking, payment, loyalty applications.

The optional SATSA-CRYPTO package of the JSR-177 specification contains a subset of the Java Cryptographic Extension (JCE) API giving access to cryptographic tools such as ciphers, digital signatures, and digests. If you are familiar with the JCE API, SATSA-CRYPTO will be very easy to approach. In fact, the package names used in SATSA-CRYPTO are the same as in the JCE:

  • javax.crypto

  • javax.crypto.spec

  • java.security

  • java.security.spec

The SATSA-CRYPTO package is supported since S60 3rd Edition and Series 40 5th Edition. For more information about the Symbian and Series 40 implementations of the package, see the SATSA API implementation notes.

To find out which devices support the SATSA API, see Nokia Developer device specifications.