The following font sizes and colors are used in Nokia Asha.
Component | Font size | Font color (on light background) | |
Textual button | Normal button | 16px | R88, G88, B88 |
Highlighted button | 16px | R255, G255, B255 | |
Multivalue switch | Unselected item | 16px | R88, G88, B88 |
Selected item | 16px | R255, G255, B255 | |
Lists | One row list item | 16px | R88, G88, B88 |
Two row list item primary text | 16px | R88, G88, B88 | |
Two row list item subtext | 16px | R128, G128, B128 | |
Time stamp | 14px | R88, G88, B88 | |
Header bar | Header bar primary text | 18px | R41, G107, B204 |
Header bar sub text | 16px | R128, G128, B128 | |
Choice picker | Choice picker header | 18px | R41, G107, B204 |
Choice picker unselected item | 16px | R88, G88, B88 | |
Choice picker selected item | 16px | R255, G255, B255 | |
Switch | Switch title | 16px | R88, G88, B88 |
Switch value | 16px | R41, G107, B204 | |
Check box | Check box title | 16px | R88, G88, B88 |
Text field | Text field hint text | 16px | R128, G128, B128 |
Input text | 16px | R88, G88, B88 | |
Text field title | 16px | R88, G88, B88 | |
Error help text | 16px | R255, G17, B0 | |
Body text | Normal text on background | 16px | R128, G128, B128 |
Help text | Help text below other UI components | 16px | R128, G128, B128 |
Group header | Normal list group header | 16px | R88, G88, B88 |
Group header in forms | 18px | R88, G88, B88 | |
Dialog | Dialog title | 16px | R255, G255, B255 |
Dialog body text | 16px | R255, G255, B255 | |
Hyperlinks | 16px | R0, G92, B242 |