
The following font sizes and colors are used in Nokia Asha.

Component Font size Font color (on light background)
Textual button Normal button 16px R88, G88, B88
Highlighted button 16px R255, G255, B255
Multivalue switch Unselected item 16px R88, G88, B88
Selected item 16px R255, G255, B255
Lists One row list item 16px R88, G88, B88
Two row list item primary text 16px R88, G88, B88
Two row list item subtext 16px R128, G128, B128
Time stamp 14px R88, G88, B88
Header bar Header bar primary text 18px R41, G107, B204
Header bar sub text 16px R128, G128, B128
Choice picker Choice picker header 18px R41, G107, B204
Choice picker unselected item 16px R88, G88, B88
Choice picker selected item 16px R255, G255, B255
Switch Switch title 16px R88, G88, B88
Switch value 16px R41, G107, B204
Check box Check box title 16px R88, G88, B88
Text field Text field hint text 16px R128, G128, B128
Input text 16px R88, G88, B88
Text field title 16px R88, G88, B88
Error help text 16px R255, G17, B0
Body text Normal text on background 16px R128, G128, B128
Help text Help text below other UI components 16px R128, G128, B128
Group header Normal list group header 16px R88, G88, B88
Group header in forms 18px R88, G88, B88
Dialog Dialog title 16px R255, G255, B255
Dialog body text 16px R255, G255, B255
Hyperlinks   16px R0, G92, B242