Invoking applications in Java ME

MIDP 2.1 compliant devices support the javax.microedition.MIDlet classes completely as defined in the MIDP 2.1 JSR. The text below lists additional implementation information for this package.

It is recommended to implement MIDlets in a way that ensures that the startApp and destroyApp methods return quickly.

For example, if the MIDlet startup requires several time-consuming initializations, it is recommended to do the startup in a separate thread so that the startApp returns quickly.


Return value of platformRequest is always false , as the request is executed immediately. The return value indicates that the calling MIDlet does not need to exit for the object to run.

Table: Supported URI schemes:

URI scheme

Supported in Series 40 and Nokia Asha software platform devices

Java user confirmation prompt on Nokia Asha software platform 1.0 devices

Java user confirmation prompt on Series 40




No user prompt. Launches the browser

"Allow this application to use network for sending/receiving data?"

Open URI in Browser



No user prompt. Launches the browser

"Allow this application to use network for sending/receiving data?"

Open URI in Browser


Product dependent

Not supported

"Allow this application to use network for sending/receiving data?"

Open URI in RealPlayer



No user prompt. Displays a screen with the telephone number from which the user can either tap to call or add the number to the contacts.

No user prompt

Asks confirmation before making phone call


Product dependent

No user prompt. Launches the Mail native application. If a valid mail account has been set up, the recipient’s address is filled with the mailto value.

No user prompt

Open E-mail or MMS editor


On Asha software platform only


No user prompt

Open file in MIME type specific application

The 'Allow this application start an application?' prompts resulting from calling the platformRequest method are independent from other possible prompts in the MIDP runtime.

For http: and https: schemes prompt is shown for trusted third party and untrusted MIDlets on Series 40 devices. Also a browser confirmation prompt can be shown. On Nokia Asha software platform devices, these schemes do not generate any prompts, in either the untrusted 3rd party or trusted 3rd party domains.

Note: After closing the handler application or pressing the back key on Nokia Asha software platform devices, the MIDlet is brought to the foreground.


Series 40 and Nokia Asha software platform devices allow running of the MIDlet and the handler application concurrently, so there is no need to terminate the MIDlet, except when installing a new version.

Platform requests are executed immediately, they are not queued.


Making a phone call:


Opening a web page:


Opening an RTSP streaming connection:


Opening a local file with default handler application:


Opening SMS editor for sending SMS to a specified telephone number:


A Nokia Developer use case that contains the complete source code of a sample MIDlet that makes a platform request: Code snippet of phone call.