For information about the design and functionality of the MIDlet, see section Design.
The SvgAnimatorMidlet
class handles both the MIDlet
UI and lifecycle requirements and the setting up and rendering of
the animated SVG image. There is no need for a GameCanvas
-based class, since the animator provides a Canvas
that can be displayed and drawn on.
The constructor of the class first creates an SVGImage
using the content3.svg
animation file as a source:
public SvgAnimatorMidlet() { // *** load a test svg image SVGImage svgImage = null; try { InputStream svgStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("content3.svg"); svgImage = (SVGImage) (SVGImage.createImage(svgStream, null)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
The constructor then creates an SVGAnimator
from the SVGImage
, sets the Canvas
provided by the animator as the
current Display
, thus displaying the animated SVG
image on the device screen, and sets listeners for receiving events
from the Canvas
and commands from the user:
// *** setup the SVGAnimator svgAnimator = SVGAnimator.createAnimator(svgImage); svgAnimator.setSVGEventListener(new MySvgEventListener()); Canvas c = (Canvas) (svgAnimator.getTargetComponent()); Display.getDisplay(this).setCurrent(c); c.setCommandListener(this);
The menu command handler, implemented in the commandAction
method, commands the animator to play, stop, and modify the animation
frame rate:
public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable s) { Canvas canvas = (Canvas) (svgAnimator.getTargetComponent()); if (c == cmExit) { destroyApp(false); notifyDestroyed(); } else if (c == cmPlay) {; canvas.addCommand(cmStop); canvas.removeCommand(cmPlay); } else if (c == cmStop) { canvas.addCommand(cmPlay); canvas.removeCommand(cmStop); svgAnimator.stop(); } else if (c == cmIncrease) { float dt = svgAnimator.getTimeIncrement(); dt = dt - 0.01f; if (dt < 0) { dt = 0f; } svgAnimator.setTimeIncrement(dt); } else if (c == cmDecrease) { float dt = svgAnimator.getTimeIncrement(); dt = dt + 0.01f; svgAnimator.setTimeIncrement(dt); } }
In the SvgAnimatorMidlet
class, map the Play and Stop commands to action button 1:
/** * IconCommand is supported from Java Runtime 2.0.0 for Series 40 onwards. * Creates a new IconCommand Play with the given label, unselected icon, selected icon, type and priority. */ cmPlay = new IconCommand("Play",startIcon,startIcon, IconCommand.ICON_OK,priority); c.addCommand(cmPlay); /** * IconCommand is supported from Java Runtime 2.0.0 for Series 40 onwards. * Creates a new IconCommand Stop with the given label, unselected icon, selected icon, type and priority. */ cmStop = new IconCommand("Stop", stopIcon,stopIcon,IconCommand.ICON_OK, priority++); // ...