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 * Oracle and Java are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its
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import javax.microedition.lcdui.Graphics;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Image;

 * Base class for views.
public abstract class BaseView {

     * View identifier
    protected int id;
     * Position of the view on screen, x-coordinate.
    protected int x;
     * Position of the view on screen, y-coordinate.
    protected int y;
     * Available width on screen to be used.
    protected int width;
     * Available height on screen to be used.
    protected int height;
     * Midlet instance
    protected WordpressMidlet midlet = WordpressMidlet.getInstance();
     * ViewMaster instance
    protected ViewMaster viewMaster = ViewMaster.getInstance();
     *  DataModel instance.
    protected DataModel data = DataModel.getInstance();
     * Active state. Active views can be drawn and animated.
    public boolean active = false;
     * Options menu for the view.
    protected OptionsMenu menu = null;
     * Left softkey label
    protected String softkey1Label = "";
     * Middle softkey label
    protected String softkey2Label = "";
     * Right softkey label
    protected String softkey3Label = "";
     * Tabbar image
    protected Image tabHeader;
     * Tab highlight flash color.
    public int tabHighlight = 0;
     * Tab highlight flash color delta value.
    public int tabHighlightDirection = 16;
     * Graphics to paint to the screen canvas.
    protected Graphics g;
     * If this is set to true, tab flashing animation and drawing are
     * enabled.
    protected boolean haveTabs = false;
     * If set to true, a busy animation is drawn on the screen.
    protected boolean busy = false;
     * Rotating busy indicator orb state.
    private int busyIndicatorAngle = 0;

    BaseView(Graphics g, int id, int x, int y, int width, int height) { = id;
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.width = width;
        this.height = height;
        this.g = g;

        try {
            tabHeader = ImageLoader.getInstance().loadImage("/header.png");
        } catch (IOException e) {

     * After this call the view will be painted on screen by calling draw().
    public void activate() {

        System.out.println("activating " + id());
        busy = false;
        active = true;

     *  After this call the view should not do anything.
    public void deactivate() {
        System.out.println("deactivating " + id());
        active = false;

     * Empty implementation.
     * Draw event.
    public void draw(int x, int y, int width, int height) {

     * Empty implementation
     * Key press event.
    public void keyPressed(int keyCode) {

     * Empty implementation.
     * Key released event.
    public void keyReleased(int keyCode) {

     * Empty implementation.
     * Called when view transition animation is done.
    public void transitionFinished() {

     *  Returns the view id.
    public int id() {
        return id;

     * Draws the sofkeys.
    protected void drawSoftkeys() {
        if (menu != null && menu.isVisible()) {

        // Visual enchancement in the form of a grey line
        g.drawLine(30, height - Visual.SOFTKEYBAR_HEIGHT + 2, width - 30, height - Visual.SOFTKEYBAR_HEIGHT + 2);

        g.fillRect(0, height - Visual.SOFTKEY_FONT.getHeight(), width, Visual.SOFTKEY_FONT.getHeight());

        g.drawString(softkey1Label, 0, height, g.LEFT | g.BOTTOM);
        g.drawString(softkey2Label, width / 2, height, g.HCENTER | g.BOTTOM);
        g.drawString(softkey3Label, width, height, g.RIGHT | g.BOTTOM);

    public int tabsHeight() {
        return tabHeader.getHeight();

     * Draws the tabs.
    protected void drawTabs() {
        if (!haveTabs) {
        int selectorX1 = 10;
        int selectorX2 = 110;
        if (id() == ViewMaster.VIEW_COMMENTS || id() == ViewMaster.VIEW_SINGLECOMMENT || id() == ViewMaster.VIEW_COMMENTSFORPOST) {
            selectorX1 = 122;
            selectorX2 = 222;
        g.fillRect(0, 0, width, tabsHeight());
        g.setColor(0, tabHighlight, tabHighlight);
        g.fillRect(selectorX1, 0, selectorX2 - selectorX1, tabsHeight());
        g.drawImage(tabHeader, 0, 0, g.TOP | g.LEFT);

     * Draws a red object that acts as an update indicator. Used when doing
     * some lenghty operations, such as posting. Animation is provided in
     * animationRunner().
    private void drawBusyIndicator(Graphics g) {
        // Draw an animating red orb.
        int size = 40;
        g.setColor((busyIndicatorAngle * 256) / 360, 0, 0);
        g.fillArc(width / 2 - size / 2, height / 2 - size / 2, size, size, busyIndicatorAngle, busyIndicatorAngle + 10);
        viewMaster.updateScreen(width / 2 - size / 2, height / 2 - size / 2, size, size);

     * Animation runner, called from the timer thread.
     * Graphics contexts are accessed synchronously so as to avoid
     * drawing unexpected things as drawing is also done in the main
     * application thread.
    public void animate() {
        if (!viewMaster.isShown() || !active) {

        // Check if menu is being animated.
        if (menu != null && menu.isVisible()) {
            if (menu.animate()) {
                synchronized (g) {
                    viewMaster.updateScreen(menu.x, menu.y, menu.width, menu.height);

        // Flashing tabs...
        if (haveTabs && !busy) {
            // Tab bar blinking animation:
            tabHighlight += tabHighlightDirection;
            if (tabHighlight > 255) {
                tabHighlight = 255;
                tabHighlightDirection = -tabHighlightDirection;

            if (tabHighlight < 0) {
                tabHighlight = 0;
                tabHighlightDirection = -tabHighlightDirection;

            // Flush only tab bar area
            synchronized (g) {
                viewMaster.updateScreen(0, 0, width, tabsHeight());

        // ...and the busy indicator
        if (busy) {
            busyIndicatorAngle = (busyIndicatorAngle + 7) % 360;
            synchronized (g) {

     * Graphics setter. This is used to change the target when
     * doing view transitions.
     * @param g
    public void setGraphics(Graphics g) {
        this.g = g;