The following code example shows how to use the Mobile Internationalisation API to manage application and device resources for given base names and locales.
/* * * Copyright (c) 2007, Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Sun Microsystems nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package example.mia.demo; import java.util.Vector; import; import; import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; import javax.microedition.midlet.*; /** * MicroLexicon midlet is an example for JSR238 (Mobile Internationalization API) * @see * * Example uses device resources of the emulator as well as application * resources bundled with the application. * To see content of device resource files use manager * WTK_HOME/bin/i18ntool.To see content of application resource * files use i18n Resource Manager from ktoolbar, look into menu project. * Application resources are placed under example's /res directory. * You will see how easy is to add your own language to the lexicon * * * @version 1.4 */ public class MicroLexicon extends MIDlet implements CommandListener { /** constant saying that phrases resource ids start from 100 */ private static final int PHRASES_OFFSET = 100; /** language choice item index */ private static final int ITEM_LANG_CHOICE = 2; /** flag image item index*/ private static final int ITEM_FLAG = 0; /** phrase list item index */ private static final int ITEM_PHRASE = 2; /** resource id constants definitions for language names */ private static final int RES_LANG_EN_US = 201; private static final int RES_LANG_CS_CZ = 202; private static final int RES_LANG_SK_SK = 203; private static final int RES_LANG_HE_IL = 204; private static final int RES_LANG_ZH_CN = 205; private static final int RES_LANG_JA_JP = 206; private static final int RES_LANG_DE_DE = 207; private static final int RES_LANG_IT_IT = 208; private static final int RES_LANG_ES_ES = 209; /** resource id constant for flag image */ private static final int RES_FLAG = 101; /** resource id constant for welcome message*/ private static final int RES_WELCOME_MSG = 1; /** resource id for company title */ private static final int RES_COMPANY = 2; /** resource ids for screen titles */ private static final int RES_TITLE_1 = 3; private static final int RES_TITLE_2 = 4; private static final int RES_TITLE_3 = 5; /** bundle names */ private static final String COMMON_RESOURCE_NAME = "common"; private static final String PHRASES_RESOURCE_NAME = "phrases"; /** * Resource ids for control buttons * are read from device resources */ private static final int RES_EXIT = 101; private static final int RES_NEXT = 102; private static final int RES_BACK = 103; /** * Phrases are read from resources * but the array is initialized with defaults (english) */ static final String[] phrases = new String[] { "Hello", "Good morning", "How are you?", "See you", "I am fine", "I like wtk", "What is the time?", "How much is it?", "I want one beer", "I want next beer" }; /** Resource Manager of target language */ static ResourceManager targetPhrasesManager; /** resources manager for accessing phrases */ static ResourceManager phrasesManager; /** resources manager for accessing ui resources */ static ResourceManager uiManager; /** device resources manager */ static ResourceManager devManager; /** languages available */ Languages languages = null; /** currently visible screen */ Displayable currentDisplay; /** screens lazy initialize */ Form frmLangChooser = null; List lstPhraseChooser = null; Form frmTranslate = null; /** language selected */ String language; /** flag selected */ Image flag; /** phrase selected */ String phrase; int phraseId; /** commands definitions */ Command exitCommand; Command nextCommand; Command backCommand; /** * Start application. * By default initialized with form for choosing languages */ public void startApp() { if (!initResources()) { Form errFrm = new Form("Error", new Item[] { new StringItem(null, "Cannot load resources!") }); exitCommand = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1); errFrm.addCommand(exitCommand); errFrm.setCommandListener(this); setDisplay(errFrm); } else { initCommands(); currentDisplay = getLangChooserForm(); setDisplay(getLangChooserForm()); initPhrases(); } } public void pauseApp() { } public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) { } public void commandAction(Command command, Displayable displayable) { if (command == exitCommand) { // immediately exit application destroyApp(true); notifyDestroyed(); } else if (command == nextCommand) { if (currentDisplay == frmLangChooser) { // get the chosen language and go to phrases ChoiceGroup grp = (ChoiceGroup)getLangChooserForm().get(ITEM_LANG_CHOICE); int idx = grp.getSelectedIndex(); language = grp.getString(idx); flag = languages.getFlagForLanguage(language); setDisplay(getPhraseChooserList()); } else if (currentDisplay == lstPhraseChooser) { setDisplay(getTranslatedForm()); } } else if (command == backCommand) { if (currentDisplay == lstPhraseChooser) { setDisplay(getLangChooserForm()); } else if (currentDisplay == frmTranslate) { setDisplay(getPhraseChooserList()); } } else if (command == List.SELECT_COMMAND) { if (currentDisplay == lstPhraseChooser) { //get chosen phrase and go to translation page int idx = lstPhraseChooser.getSelectedIndex(); phrase = lstPhraseChooser.getString(idx); phraseId = idx; setDisplay(getTranslatedForm()); } } } private boolean initResources() { try { phrasesManager = ResourceManager.getManager("phrases"); uiManager = ResourceManager.getManager("common"); devManager = ResourceManager.getManager(""); } catch (ResourceException re) { re.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; } private void initCommands() { exitCommand = new Command(devManager.getString(RES_EXIT), Command.EXIT, 1); nextCommand = new Command(devManager.getString(RES_NEXT), Command.SCREEN, 1); backCommand = new Command(devManager.getString(RES_BACK), Command.BACK, 1); } /** * Load phrases into array. */ private void initPhrases() { int resourceId = 0; ResourceManager rm = phrasesManager; for (int i = 0; i < phrases.length; i++) { try { resourceId = PHRASES_OFFSET + i; phrases[i] = rm.getString(resourceId); } catch (ResourceException re) { System.err.println("Resource with id " + resourceId + "not found"); } } } /** * display another screen */ private void setDisplay(Displayable d) { Display.getDisplay(this).setCurrent(d); currentDisplay = d; } /** * Form definition for choosing languages. * Contains welcome message and ChoiceGroup of languages. */ private Form getLangChooserForm() { if (frmLangChooser == null) { String title = uiManager.getString(RES_COMPANY); frmLangChooser = new Form(title, new Item[] { new StringItem(null, "Running in locale: " + System.getProperty("microedition.locale")), new StringItem(null, uiManager.getString(RES_WELCOME_MSG)), new ChoiceGroup(uiManager.getString(RES_TITLE_1) + ":", Choice.POPUP, getLanguages().getNames(), null) }); frmLangChooser.addCommand(exitCommand); frmLangChooser.addCommand(nextCommand); frmLangChooser.setCommandListener(this); language = getLanguages().getNames()[0]; } return frmLangChooser; } /** * Screen for choosing phrases contains list * filled with phrases. */ private List getPhraseChooserList() { if (lstPhraseChooser == null) { lstPhraseChooser = new List(uiManager.getString(RES_TITLE_2) + ":", Choice.IMPLICIT, phrases, null); lstPhraseChooser.setFitPolicy(Choice.TEXT_WRAP_ON); lstPhraseChooser.addCommand(exitCommand); lstPhraseChooser.addCommand(backCommand); lstPhraseChooser.setCommandListener(this); phrase = phrases[0]; phraseId = 0; } String code = languages.getCodeForLanguage(language); // depending on language switch to another resource file targetPhrasesManager = ResourceManager.getManager("phrases", code); return lstPhraseChooser; } /** * Initialize form displaying translated phrase. * Form contains country flag and phrase translation. */ private Form getTranslatedForm() { if (frmTranslate == null) { frmTranslate = new Form(uiManager.getString(RES_TITLE_3) + ":", new Item[] { new ImageItem(null, Image.createImage(1, 1), Item.LAYOUT_LEFT | Item.LAYOUT_TOP, ""), new Spacer(10, 10), new StringItem("", "") }); frmTranslate.addCommand(exitCommand); frmTranslate.addCommand(backCommand); frmTranslate.setCommandListener(this); } ImageItem iimage = (ImageItem)frmTranslate.get(ITEM_FLAG); iimage.setImage(flag); StringItem istring = (StringItem)frmTranslate.get(ITEM_PHRASE); istring.setText(translate(phraseId, phrase)); return frmTranslate; } /** * Translation just retrieves string resource of * given resource id. */ private String translate(int id, String text) { try { return targetPhrasesManager.getString(PHRASES_OFFSET + id); } catch (ResourceException re) { return "Phrase translation not found"; } } /** * Initialize languages class */ private Languages getLanguages() { if (languages == null) { languages = Languages.getInstance(); } return languages; } /** * Helper class holds language names, locale codes and flags all in one. */ static class Languages { static Languages ls = null; private Object[] langlist; private Languages() { init(); } private void init() { ResourceManager rm = uiManager; //offsets of objects in common resources int lang_offset = 200; int flag_offset = 100; //initialize language names and flags String[] availableLocales = ResourceManager.getSupportedLocales(COMMON_RESOURCE_NAME); int localesCount = availableLocales.length; Vector languagesV = new Vector(); Vector flagsV = new Vector(); Vector localesV = new Vector(); int idx = 1; for (int i = 1; i < localesCount; i++) { try { String language = rm.getString(lang_offset + idx); if ((language != null) && (language.length() > 0)) { byte[] idata = rm.getData(flag_offset + idx); Image flag = Image.createImage(idata, 0, idata.length); languagesV.addElement(language); flagsV.addElement(flag); localesV.addElement(availableLocales[idx]); idx++; } } catch (ResourceException e) { } } String[] languages = new String[languagesV.size()]; String[] locales = new String[localesV.size()]; Image[] flags = new Image[flagsV.size()]; languagesV.copyInto(languages); localesV.copyInto(locales); flagsV.copyInto(flags); langlist = new Object[] { languages, locales, flags }; localesV = null; languagesV = null; flagsV = null; } static Languages getInstance() { if (ls == null) { ls = new Languages(); } return ls; } /** @return all language names */ String[] getNames() { return (String[])langlist[0]; } /** @return all locale codes */ String[] getCodes() { return (String[])langlist[1]; } /** @return all country flags */ Image[] getFlags() { return (Image[])langlist[2]; } /** @return flag for given language */ Image getFlagForLanguage(String lang) { String[] languages = getNames(); for (int i = 0; i < languages.length; i++) { if (languages[i].equals(lang)) { return getFlags()[i]; } } return Image.createImage(10, 10); } /** @return locale code for given language */ String getCodeForLanguage(String lang) { String[] languages = getNames(); for (int i = 0; i < languages.length; i++) { if (languages[i].equals(lang)) { return getCodes()[i]; } } return ""; } } }