Getting started with Client

The Nokia Notifications Client API is compatible with devices running on Nokia Asha software platform 1.0 or newer.

Setup SDK Emulator

You need the following to develop and test the MIDlet:

  • Nokia Asha SDK 1.0 or newer

  • Java Runtime for Nokia Asha software platform (1.0) or newer

To test your MIDlet and service that is created in the Nokia Developer Console (aka sandbox) you need to set the Notification Enabler to point to the required environment (sandbox environment in our case) on the SDK Emulator. This is done using the Environment Selector MIDlet, which comes pre-installed in the SDK Emulator.

Setup Device

Download and install the Environment Selector MIDlet on the device before running your MIDlet. The Environment Selector files (jad/jar) for the device is included in the NNAClientExample package.


Once you have deployed your service to production and would like to test your MIDlet against your service, remember to change the environment in your SDK Emulator or test device to point to the required environment (production environment in this case) using the Environment Selector MIDlet.

The devices, in market, by default point to the production environment.