The Compass MIDlet is designed to look like a normal compass. It has a completely custom-made UI targeted for the 240 x 320 resolution. When the device is pointed in the direction the user is moving, the compass indicates the north direction. The compass also shows the direction to selected landmarks. There are three example landmarks included in the application: the Eiffel Tower, Mecca, and the Statue of Liberty. In addition, the MIDlet shows landmarks that the user has saved in the Nokia Maps application. Users can save their current location as a landmark.
Figure: Compass showing the direction of Mecca
When using the MIDlet, the user must walk for a period of time in order for the MIDlet to determine the correct direction of north. Because the compass uses only the GPS, the needle does not turn if the user simply turns but does not move in any direction. By pressing left or right, the user can change the active landmark for which the direction is shown, or select None when the landmark indicator shows the same angle as the needle.
Pressing the left soft key saves the current location as a landmark. When the Save Landmark view opens, pressing up or down focuses the text field and a Write command appears for the Selection Key. When the Selection Key is pressed, a text box appears in which the user can write the name of the landmark. By selecting Done from the options menu, the user are directed back to the Save Landmark view. Pressing Save saves the landmark. Pressing Cancel takes the user back to the main view.
Figure: Save Landmark view with the Write command appearing
For information about implementing the MIDlet, see section Implementation.