Integration instructions to developers

Before starting, please acquire a set of API Credentials from the API Registration page at Forum Nokia and register your application for free.

Please read through the Location API Business Models and Usage Restrictions page so that you can decide which business model fits your needs best. The page is located at

There are fifteen MIDlets that are contained in the example project. These are Minimal Map Example, Map Type Example, Search Example, Marker Example, Custom Marker Example, Routing Example, Cached Map Example, Place Search, Share My Map, Tweets On My Map, and KML Data Example.

The examples were created using NetBeans 7.1 and Nokia Asha SDK 1.0. The project can be easily opened in NetBeans by selecting 'Open Project' from the File menu and selecting the application.

To install the application on a phone, transfer the file MapsComponentDemos.jar to the phone via Nokia Suite or via Bluetooth. The examples demonstrate the following features:

  1. Basic Map Example: This MIDlet displays a map and demonstrates how to move the map center and change the map zoom level.

  2. Map Type Example: This MIDlet displays a map and demonstrates how to display and change between different map types.

  3. Map Language Example: This MIDlet displays the map in one of eight random languages.

  4. Address search: This MIDlet displays a map and demonstrates the geocoding and reverse geocoding functionality.

  5. Marker Example: This MIDlet displays a map and demonstrates how to place a marker on the map, and make it draggable using a MapComponent.

  6. Custom Marker Example: This MIDlet displays a map and demonstrates how to place a marker with a custom icon image on the map.

  7. Routing Example: This MIDlet displays a map and demonstrates how to calculate a route between multiple waypoints that are selected on the displayed map.

  8. Cached Map Example: This MIDlet displays a map and demonstrates file based caching for the map tiles.

  9. Place Search: This MIDlet uses the place search from the Search manager to locate various places and displays these on the map.

  10. Share My Map: This MIDlet displays a map and allows the map to be shared via SMS with another device.

  11. Tweets On My Map: This MIDlet allows you to search for Twitter messages containing a search term and displays these on the map.

  12. KML Data Example: This MIDlet illustrates how KML data can be parsed and used to create objects on the map.

  13. Adding an overlay: This MIDlet illustrates how to place an overlay over the base map, by combining two maps of Berlin.

  14. Basic Map components: This MIDlet illustrates the usage of the five standard map components and serves as an introduction to simple custom map components.

  15. Locate the device: This MIDlet demonstrates how to make a request to the location API and display the location of the device on a map.