There are two steps involved in publishing your MIDlet and notification service:
Publishing and distributing your MIDlet to the Nokia Store.
Requesting production service access.
For your MIDlet to be commercially available, you need to publish it to the Nokia Store. For more information about this process, see Distribute on Nokia Developer website. You will be contacted by email on the progress of your request.
Once your service access is granted, you will find the new Service Secret for your service access in the Developer Console. You need to update your service with this new value and change the Notification Server address in your service. The server address is given to you in the email that you receive when the access is granted.
When you are ready to publish your MIDlet, you need to request production service access to send notifications in a real-world environment. The available environments are production environment and Chinese production environment. The latter is for a service which has its end-users living in China.
To request production service access:
Go to the Developer Console.
Click on the My services tab.
Select your service by clicking on its name in the List of your services section.
Click Apply under Production or/and Production China.
Provide details about your service in the Service info field in the Request service access to global (or China) production form.
Service information is needed, because it is used when evaluating the granting of access.