Accessing the landmark store

All landmark store access methods are available through the LandmarkStore class. The first step in the landmark store use is to create an instance of LandmarkStore with the getInstance(String storeName) method. A landmark store instance will be returned if a named store can be found. If no landmark store with a specified name exists, the getInstance method returns null. The default landmark store can be obtained with a null parameter. Getting a landmark store instance is demonstrated in Code sample 7.

Code sample 7: Getting a landmark store instance (TouristRoute's class)


    store = LandmarkStore.getInstance(STORENAME);

catch(NullPointerException npe)

if (store == null)

   // code ...

A new landmark store can be created with the createlandmarkStore(String StoreName) method. Code sample 8 demonstrates the landmark store creation. Successfully created landmark stores are accessible through the getInstance() method. If landmark store creation failed due to an exception, a default landmark store can be accessed by using a null parameter in the getInstance() method.

Code sample 8: Creating a new landmark store (TouristRoute's class)



catch(IllegalArgumentException iae)

    // Name is too long or landmark store with the specified name
    // already exists. 

catch (IOException e)

    // Landmark store couldn't be created due to an I/O error 

catch (LandmarkException e)

   // Implementation does not support creating new landmark stores.