Content Type selection

It is important to choose a media content type that can be used in many devices or most of the target devices of your MIDP application. With the proper media content type you do not need to constantly update your MIDP application or create multiple versions of it for different device groups. Refer to MIDP: Mobile Media API Support In Nokia Devices for more information regarding which media contents function on your target mobile devices. It is also possible to query the supported protocols and content types by protocol from the MMAPI. Protocols can be queried with the getSupportedProtocols method of the Manager class. If you enter a null parameter, it returns an array of protocols that the platform's MMAPI implementation should support. The following is an example of the query:

String[] protocols = Manager.getSupportedProtocols(null);

Secondly, by using the getSupportedContentTypes method of the Manager class it is possible to obtain an array of content types that a specific protocol supports. With a null parameter, all supported content types will be returned. The returned list with the null parameter contains supported content types for all the protocols and content types supported in capture. For example, the list might contain a content type that works with RTSP but not with HTTP. To get a protocol-specific content type list, you may first query the list of supported protocols by using the getSupportedProtocols method and use one of those as a parameter on the getSupportedContentTypes method. The following is an example of how to obtain an array containing supported content types:

String protocol =  
String[] contents = Manager.getSupportedContentTypes(protocol);