Playing DRM-protected media

Digital Right Management (DRM) protected files are supported at the moment only in S60 3rd Edition and later devices. These files can be played by using the MMAPI's Manager.createPlayer(String locator) method. As an example, a player using DRM-protected audio content could be created in the following way:

Player player = Manager.createPlayer("file:///C:/Data/Sounds/Digital/Song.dcf");

Note: The Manager's createPlayer(InputStream stream, String type) method does not work with DRM-protected content. There is no need to indicate in any way that the file to be played back is DRM-protected. In addition, it is not possible to play the DRM-protected files packaged into the JAR archive. In addition, the only accepted source for DRM files is file:// locator. DRM files cannot be played e.g. from http:// .