Library contents

This library is available in HTML format online, as a stand-alone version, or as an Eclipse plug-in. Printable PDFs are provided as attachments in the online version. Source code is also available online in the library allowing easy copy and pasting. Note that the links from the developer’s guides to the reference information are only available in HTML format. The sets consist of:

  • Introduction to Mobile Java

    This document describes the Mobile Java technology. The document introduces the platform and the related concepts to readers new to the subject.

  • Getting Started with Mobile Java

    This document guides you through the steps required in order to start using the Java ME development environment.

  • Developer's Guides

    The developer's guides are divided into areas of Java technology. Each guide includes an introductory section, which gives an overview of the APIs and packages included, as well as a tutorial section. The tutorials provide step-by-step instructions for creating example applications and services. You can either create the examples from scratch or import and run the examples, which are also provided in the library. Note that links to Javadocs are available only in the HTML version of the tutorials.

  • Javadocs

    The API specifications are also provided for your convenience (available in HTML only).

  • Implementation Notes

    The Implementation Notes define how the API in question is implemented in S60 and Series 40 platforms. They also contain essential information about changes between platform releases.

For compatibility between platform releases and target devices, see the Device Specification in question on Forum Nokia.

In order to access the table of contents of a document when navigating in the library via links, use the TOC Sync button.