The following content types are supported for creating players in the S60 implementation:
Device |
MMAPI controls |
VolumeControl, StopTimeControl, ToneControl, RateControl, TempoControl, MIDIControl, PitchControl |
VolumeControl, MIDIControl, PitchControl |
Format suffix |
MIME type |
Protocols |
MMAPI controls |
audio/x-tone-seq |
http, https, file |
VolumeControl, StopTimeControl, ToneControl, RateControl, TempoControl, MIDIControl, PitchControl |
audio/wav, audio/x-wav, audio/basic, audio/x-basic |
http, https, file |
VolumeControl, StopTimeControl, RateControl, MetaDataControl |
AU |
audio/au, audio/x-au, audio/basic, audio/x-basic |
http, https, file |
VolumeControl, StopTimeControl, RateControl, MetaDataControl |
audio/amr |
http, https, rtsp, file |
VolumeControl, StopTimeControl (not RTSP), RateControl, MetaDataControl |
audio/amr-wb |
http, https, file |
VolumeControl, StopTimeControl , RateControl, MetaDataControl |
audio/midi, audio/sp-midi |
http, https, file |
VolumeControl, StopTimeControl, TempoControl, MIDIControl, PitchControl, RateControl, MetaDataControl |
MP3 |
audio/mp3 |
http, https, file |
VolumeControl, StopTimeControl, RateControl, MetaDataControl |
MP4 |
audio/mp4, audio/mpeg4 |
http, https, rtsp, file |
VolumeControl, StopTimeControl (not RTSP), RateControl, MetaDataControl |
3GP |
audio/3gpp |
http, https, rtsp, file |
VolumeControl, StopTimeControl (not RTSP), RateControl, MetaDataControl |
audio/aac |
http, https, file |
VolumeControl, StopTimeControl, RateControl, MetaDataControl |
RA, RM |
application/vnd.rn-realmedia |
http, https, rtsp, file |
VolumeControl, StopTimeControl (not RTSP), RateControl, MetaDataControl |
audio/x-ms-wma |
http, https, file |
VolumeControl, StopTimeControl, RateControl, MetaDataControl |
Note: HTTP Streaming is only supported for the media types audio/amr
and audio/amr-wb
With other types, the media data is downloaded completely before playing.
Format suffix |
MIME type |
Protocols |
MMAPI controls |
MP4, MPEG4 |
video/mp4, video/mpeg4 |
http, https, rtsp, file |
VolumeControl, StopTimeControl, VideoControl, GUIControl, RateControl, FramePositioningControl |
3GP |
video/3gpp |
http, https, rtsp, file |
VolumeControl, StopTimeControl, VideoControl, GUIControl, RateControl, FramePositioningControl |
RM |
application/vnd.rn-realmedia |
http, https, rtsp, file |
VolumeControl, StopTimeControl, VideoControl, GUIControl, RateControl, FramePositioningControl |
RV |
application/vnd.rn-realmedia |
http, https, rtsp, file |
VolumeControl, StopTimeControl, VideoControl, GUIControl, RateControl, FramePositioningControl |
image/gif |
http, https, file |
StopTimeControl, VideoControl, GUIControl, RateControl, FramePositioningControl |
Note: HTTP Streaming is only supported for the media types audio/amr
and audio/amr-wb
With other types, the media data must be downloaded completely before playing.
Other data types may be supported as well, depending on the platform
version and the product. They can be queried dynamically by calling Manager.getSupportedContentTypes(
null )
. The call will return all supported content types for all
protocols, including capture-only content types. Thus, not all returned types
are playable. Likewise a protocol name string can be used instead of null
to get the content types supported by a specific protocol.
Manager.getSupportedContentTypes( "rtsp" ); Manager.getSupportedContentTypes( "capture" );
For further information on S60 multimedia capabilities, see Audio & Video at Forum Nokia.