Building an running in an emulator

After you have created all the necessary files for the project, you can build the project and run the application in an emulator.

Note: The MIDlet used in this example was built using the Eclipse IDE. Please see the instructions for building MIDlet projects for Eclipse in section Building the example application.

You can also construct them using command line or other IDEs of your choice.

Configuring emulator preferences

In order to be able to access the smart card, you need to have the correct permission set on your emulator.

To configure the preferences window of the emulator:

  1. In the emulator, select Tools > Preferences.

  2. Select the MIDP tab.

  3. Change the domain to Trusted.

  4. Select Set permissions to change individual permission available for the domain.

  5. In the new window that opens, change Smart card comms to "always allowed" and Smart card APDU to "always allowed".

  6. Press OK to accept the changes in both windows.