Choosing the location provider

The starting point of the API use is the LocationProvider class, which represents the location provider module. An instance of the LocationProvider class can be created by using the factory method LocationProvider.getInstance(Criteria criteria). Criteria parameters can be used to define what kind of location provider is accepted. The Location API implementation chooses the location provider that best matches the defined criteria. The TouristRoute example defines a set of cost criteria that are used in a location provider search process.

Code sample 1: Creating criteria (TouristRoute's class)

Criteria crit1 = new Criteria();
crit1.setHorizontalAccuracy(25); // 25m
crit1.setVerticalAccuracy(25); // 25m

Code sample 2: Choosing the location provider (TouristRoute's class)

A code snippet from the location provider search process can be seen in the Code sample 2 below. See the ConfigurationProvider class code in the TouristRoute MIDlet for a complete code that includes more logic.


    provider = LocationProvider.getInstance(criteria);
    if (provider != null)
        // provider found!
        // .. see the complete source code for the real action.

catch(LocationException le)

    // LocationProviders are currently out of service

If the device does not have any built-in location methods available or any external methods connected to it, the LocationProvider.getInstance() method throws LocationException, and the TouristRoute MIDlet gives a notification that says all providers are out of service. The location provider is found when the result from LocationProvider.getInstance() is not null. The TouristRoute MIDlet continues the search in a loop until one location-providing method is found.