It is possible to do the same signing procedure using command line utilities (Steps 1 to 4 are done only once per each certificate):
Create the key by using the keytool utility (included in Java SE) with a command such as the following:
keytool -genkey -alias SignedMIDlet -keyalg RSA -keystore midlets.sks Enter keystore password: midlets What is your first and last name? [Unknown]: Test Key What is the name of your organizational unit? [Unknown]: My Unit What is the name of your organization? [Unknown]: My Company What is the name of your City or Locality? [Unknown]: My Location What is the name of your State or Province? [Unknown]: My State What is the two-letter country code for this unit? [Unknown]: FI Is CN=Test Key, OU= My Unit, O="My Company", L=My Location, ST=My State, C=FI correct? [no]: yes
Enter key password for <SignedMIDlet> (RETURN if same as keystore password)
This will create a new keystore midlets.sks
the password midlets and a new key with the given distinguished name fields.
There will be a new midlets.sks
file in your current
directory. Alternatively, you could omit the -keystore
and store the key in the default Java keystore.
You can list all the stored keys with the following command:
keytool -list -keystore midlets.sks Enter keystore password: midlets Keystore type: jks Keystore provider: SUN
Your keystore contains 1 entry
signedmidlet, Dec 6, 2003, keyEntry, Certificate fingerprint (MD5): C7:8C:F1:63:17:62:0A:43:6A:F7:F1:5F:E1:EC:66:73
Generate the CSR file by using the following command:
keystore -certreq -alias SignedMIDlet -keystore <keystore path>\midlets.sks -keypass midlets -file request.csr
Use the generated CSR file to purchase a code-signing certificate from a CA.
Import the certificate returned by the CA. Notice that the keystore needs to contain already the certificate used to generate the CSR; otherwise it cannot be imported.
keytool -import -file <cert_file> -alias SignedMIDlet -keystore <keystore path>\midlets.sks -keypass midlets
Use the JadTool.jar
with Java Development Kit to perform the actual JAR signing with the following
java -jar <NDS2.1 path>\bin\lib\JadTool.jar -addjarsig -keypass midlets -alias SignedMIDlet -keystore <keystore path>\midlets.sks -inputjad <jad path>\Signed.jad -outputjad <jad path>\Signed.jad -jarfile <jar path>\Signed.jar
Now Signed.jad
the original properties plus the MIDlet-Jar-RSA-SHA1 attribute with
the digital signature. The next step is to add the certificate using again JadTool.jar
the following command:
java -jar <NDS2.1 path>\bin\lib\JadTool.jar -addcert -alias SignedMIDlet -keystore <keystore path>\midlets.sks -inputjad <jad path>\Signed.jad -outputjad <jad path>\Signed.jad