Permissions framework

Permissions are used to protect access to APIs or functions that require authorization before they can be used. A MIDlet suite has to request permissions declaratively using the following attributes either in the application descriptor or in the manifest file:

For example, for an application's functionality it is critical to make HTTP connections to work. It may also use HTTPS connections for improved security, but it is not so vital. In this case, the application descriptor could look like this:


Note: MIDlet suites with misspelled permissions will make the installation fail.

Function groups

Instead of making the user manage each individual permission requested by a MIDlet suite, permissions can be grouped by functionality in Function Groups. The user will then give permissions to Function Groups, for example the "Net Access" Function Group when using network features, rather than explicitly for the permission. Using a higher-level concept like Function Groups instead of single permissions is better suited for user interaction in small devices.

The MIDP 2.0 and JTWI specifications have defined the following Function Groups:

  • Phone Call (available only in S60)

    Permissions related to any function that results in a phone call.

  • Net Access

    Contains permissions related to network data connections.

  • Messaging

    Set of permissions related to sending or receiving messages like SMS.

  • Auto Invocation

    Permissions related to automatically starting a MIDlet, for example by Push Registration.

  • Local Connectivity

    Permissions related to connection via local ports like IrDA or Bluetooth.

  • Multimedia Recording

    Permissions that allow to record images, audio, video, and so on.

  • Read User Data

    Set of permissions to read user data, such as phone book or calendar entries

  • Write User Data

    Permissions related to writing user data.

The availability of these Function Groups depends on the device's capabilities. For instance, "Multimedia Recording" would not be available for devices without media capturing facilities or for those where the Media API is not available.

Function Groups also determine which interaction modes are available for the trusted and untrusted domains. For example, in the untrusted domain, "Net Access" can be set as session or denied, with blanket being disabled. On the other hand in the trusted domain, oneshot, blanket, and denied are allowed.

In addition of the above, Function Groups contain exclusion rules to forbid some combinations of permissions that are not allowed simultaneously. For instance, it would not be desirable to have blanket permission for "Net Access" and "Auto Invocation" at the same time. If this were the case, a MIDlet would set itself for periodical restart and make network connections without user permission, creating unsolicited charges for the user.

An example of Function Groups usage can be seen in S60 screen shots shown in the figure below. They show the "Network Access" Function Group found in the Application Manager application. The screen shot on the left is for an unsigned MIDlet suite, and the one on the right is for the same MIDlet signed with a Verisign certificate. Clearly the difference is that with the signed MIDlet the user can allow the MIDlet to open network connections without user's prompts.

Figure 92: Network Access Function Group for an unsigned and signed MIDlet suite (Nokia S60 screen shots)