Terms and abbreviations

Term or abbreviation


AMMS; Advanced Multimedia Supplements

Application programming interface (API) specification for defining an optional package for advanced multimedia functionality which is targeted to run as a supplement in connection with MMAPI in JavaTM ME/CLDC environment.

AMS; Application Management Software

The software for application delivery and management on a mobile device.

API; Application Programming Interface

Programming interface that supports the process of developing application programs used to access various services.


Bluetooth is a technology for wireless communication between devices and is based on a low-cost short-range radio link.

CA: Certificate Authority

An authority such as Verisign, which offers several types of code signing certificates.


Software development tool (formerly Nokia Developer's Suite for Java Platform Micro Edition). From July 2007 onwards, development and distribution of Carbide.j has been discontinued.

CBS; cell broadcast service

A service where a short message is sent in one direction to several subscribers, for example to the mobile stations in a certain base station area or cell.

CDC; Connected Device Configuration

CDC is a framework for using Java technology to build and deliver applications that can be shared across a range of network-connected consumer and embedded devices.


A digital transmission technique in which a base station assigns a unique code to each mobile device to distinguish that particular device from all others on the air. The signals are encoded using the code that the receiver also knows and uses to decode the received signal. CDMA is one of several spread spectrum techniques.

CLDC; Connected Limited Device Configuration

CLDC defines the base set of application programming interfaces and a virtual machine for resource-constrained devices like mobile phones, pagers, and mainstream personal digital assistants. When coupled with a profile such as the Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP), it provides a solid Java platform for developing applications to run on devices with limited memory, processing power, and graphical capabilities.

CoD; class of device value.

The CoD value indicates the capability of a Bluetooth enabled device.

CSP; Cryptographic Service Provider

A concept allowing supported cryptographic ciphers to be defined in the platform.

CSR; Certificate Signing Request

In the public key infrastructure, a message which an applicant sends to a certification authority to apply for a public key certificate.

DRM; Digital Rights Management

A rights management system which ensures that content can only be used when the relevant conditions, determined by the copyright owner, have been met.

EDGE; Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution

A faster version of the GSM wireless service that delivers data at higher rates. EDGE enables faster high-speed circuit-switched data (HSCSD) and general packet radio service (GPRS) connections. It enables the delivery of multimedia and other broadband applications to mobile phone and computer users.

EJB; Enterprise Java Beans

Component architecture for the development and deployment of component-based distributed business applications.

FC; FileConnection API

Application programming interface (API) specification for allowing your Java ME applications access file systems residing on mobile devices.

GCF; Generic Connection Framework

This Java ME API provides support for Connection types, such as Bluetooth and File Connection.

GIAC; General Unlimited Inquiry Access Code

By using this, a Bluetooth device may be configured to be generally discoverable by other Bluetooth devices.

GUI; Graphical User Interface

User interface for interacting with computer software based on windows and graphical icons.


HTTP that supports the sending of individual messages securely over the web.

IPR; Intellectual Property Rights

Laws protecting the economic exploitation of Intellectual Property (IP).

IR; Infrared Technology

Refers to wireless technology where data can be transferred between devices and systems through Infrared radiation.

IrDA; Infrared Data Association

IrDA is an organization that creates and promotes interoperable, low-cost infrared data interconnection standards.

JAD; Java Application Descriptor

A descriptor file that contains information about a Java Archive Repository (JAR) file.

JAR; Java Archive Repository

Java-executable file format that enables the bundling of multiple files into a single archive file.

Java EE; Java Enterprise Edition

Component-based architecture for creating object-oriented enterprise-level applications.

Java ME; Java Micro Edition

Java application environment which forms a framework for the deployment and use of Java technology for wireless devices.

Java SE; Java Standard Edition

Java programming platform aimed at network-oriented enterprise applications.

JCP; Java Community Process

Industry program set up by SUN corporation, to provide a common forum for the standardization process for Java.

JDBC; Java Database Connectivity

Application programming interface (API) specification for connecting programs written in Java to the data in standard query language (SQL) databases.

JDK; Java Development Kit

A set of command line development tools used in writing Java programs.

JNI; Java Native Interface

Standard programming interface for writing Java native methods and embedding the Java virtual machine into native applications.

JSR; Java Specification Request

Form submitted to the Process Management Office (PMO) by one or more participants proposing the development of a new specification.

JTWI; Java Technology for the Wireless Industry

The JTWI specification provides an overall architectural description for the wireless industry.


The LCDUI package detailed in the MIDP 2.0 specification (JSR-118) is logically composed of two APIs: the high-level and the low-level APIs meant for designing user interfaces.

LIAC; Limited Dedicated Inquiry Access Code

By using this, a Bluetooth device may be configured to be discoverable in a "limited" manner by other Bluetooth devices by using a limited inquiry.

Location API

Application programming interface (API) specification for allowing you to develop applications based on the physical location of a device.

M2G; Scalable 2D Vector Graphics API

Application programming interface (API) specification for allowing you to load and render external 2D vector images, stored in the W3C SVG Tiny format.

M3G; Mobile 3D Graphics API

Application programming interface (API) specification for allowing you to use 3D graphics in Java applications.


Application designed to run on wireless Java-enabled devices.


Middleware is a general term, which refers to any programming that communicates between two separate and often already existing programs. Typically, middleware programs provide messaging services, which allow different applications to communicate.

MIDP; Mobile Information Device Profile

Architecture and the associated application programming interfaces (API) required to enable an open third-party application development environment for mobile information devices (MID).

MMAPI; Mobile Media API

Application programming interface (API) specification for a Multimedia API for J2ME.

MMS; Multimedia Messaging Service

Messaging service for sending and receiving multimedia messages.


In this document, native refers to C++ language, Symbian OS, and S60.

NFC; Near Field Communication

Communication technology which enables the users to exchange information between devices that are located near each other.

OAT; Operation Access Technology

Application programming interface (API) specification that gives different application models the ability to use the OSGi service platform and have access to the existing platform services and events.

OCSP; Online Certificate Status Protocol

A protocol that provides applications with a means to query the validity status of an identified certificate in (almost) real time.

OMA; Open Mobile Alliance

OMA facilitates the growth of the mobile industry and takes part in the standardization work of the mobile environment.

OMA DRM; OMA Digital Rights Management

OMA DRM allows content providers to control the use and distribution of digital media objects. For more information on OMA DRM, see the Open Mobile Alliance Web site.

OTA; over-the-air technology

Technique that enables operators to push data to mobile devices by using wireless connections.

PIM; Personal Information Management API

Application programming interface (API) specification for allowing access to personal data stored by users, including contact lists, calendars, and to-do lists.

PP; Personal Profile

J2ME Personal Profile is a set of Java APIs that supports resource-constrained devices with a GUI toolkit based on AWT. Combined with the Connected Device Configuration (CDC), Java ME Personal Profile provides a complete Java ME application environment for consumer products and embedded devices.

RFC; Request for Comments

The RFC repository maintained by the IETF Secretariat.

RMI; Remote Method Invocation

Application programming interface (API) that enables a Java program running on one computer to access the objects and methods of another Java program running on a different computer.

RMS; Record Management System

A mechanism that the MIDP specification includes to enable MIDlets to persistently store data and retrieve it later.

RPC; Remote Procedure Call

In client-server computing, a procedure call that is built or specified by the client and executed remotely on the server, with the result returned over the network to the client.

SATSA; Security and Trust Services API for Java ME

Application programming interface (API) specification for defining a collection of APIs that provide security services to J2ME enabled devices.

SDK; Software Development Kit

A set of programming tools for creating applications and enhancing the use of certain software.

SIP; Session Initiation Protocol

Application-layer control protocol for creating, modifying, and terminating sessions with one or more participants.

SMS; Short Message Service

Telecommunication service for sending and receiving short messages.

SOAP; Simple Object Access Protocol

XML/HTTP-based protocol that defines client-server interaction across a network, used for accessing services, objects, and servers in a platform-independent manner.

SVG; Scalable Vector Graphics

XML-based vector graphics format developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

UMTS; Universal Mobile Telecommunications System

A European third generation mobile communication system based on WCDMA technology and standardised by ETSI. Besides voice and data, UMTS enables audio and video delivery to wireless devices.

UUID; Universally Unique Identifier

A 128-bit value that is guaranteed to be unique across all space and time. UUIDs are used in the Bluetooth SDP to identify services.

WCDMA; Wideband CDMA

A third generation (3G) mobile wireless technology that offers high data speeds to mobile and portable wireless devices. WCDMA is used to increase the capacity and coverage of wireless communication networks, for example, in the third generation mobile communications systems, such as UMTS.

WMA; Wireless Messaging API

Application programming interface (API) specification for defining a set of optional APIs which provides standard access to wireless communication resources, designed to run on J2ME configurations and to enhance J2ME profiles with unique functionality.

WSA; Web Services API

Application programming interface (API) specification that consists of two independent optional packages designed to provide an infrastructure for the web services client/server architecture.


Extensible Markup Language

Subset of standard generalized markup language (SGML), which describes a class of data objects called XML documents and partially describes the behavior of the computer programs which process them.