A MIDlet that will display a previously created SVG graphic of a lion cub which you can manipulate by zooming and rotating.
Create the LoadStaticMIDlet
Import the
required classes and assign this class to the com.nokia.midp.examples.svg
/* Copyright © 2006 Nokia. */ package com.nokia.midp.examples.svg; import javax.microedition.midlet.*; import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
Set LoadStaticMIDlet
extend midlet
and to implement CommandListener
/** * Simple midlet that displays a static SVG file. */ public class LoadStaticMIDlet extends MIDlet implements CommandListener {
Write the below code to construct the MIDlet.
/** * Constructor. */ public LoadStaticMIDlet() { // *** create the SVG canvas svgCanvas = new SvgCanvas2 (false); svgCanvas.setCommandListener(this);
Create a new SvgCanvas2
object for building the
actual image.
// *** grab a reference to the display display = Display.getDisplay(this); display.setCurrent(svgCanvas);
Set up the menu that will hold the commands you can manipulate the image with. The commands will be defined at the end of the code, in Step 7.
// *** set up the midlet menu int hotKey = 0; cmZoomIn = new Command("Zoom In", Command.SCREEN, hotKey++); svgCanvas.addCommand(cmZoomIn); cmZoomOut = new Command("Zoom Out", Command.SCREEN, hotKey++); svgCanvas.addCommand(cmZoomOut); cmRotateIn = new Command("Rotate Counter", Command.SCREEN, hotKey++); svgCanvas.addCommand(cmRotateIn); cmRotateOut = new Command("Rotate Clockwise", Command.SCREEN, hotKey++); svgCanvas.addCommand(cmRotateOut); cmRestoreView = new Command("Restore View", Command.SCREEN, hotKey++); svgCanvas.addCommand(cmRestoreView); cmExit = new Command("Exit", Command.SCREEN, hotKey++); svgCanvas.addCommand(cmExit); }
Add the following three required methods.
/** * Required midlet method. */ public void startApp() { } /** * Required midlet method. */ public void pauseApp() { } /** * Required midlet method. */ public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) { }
Define the functionality for the menu items you created in step 5.
/** * Handle the various menu actions. */ public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable s) { if (c == cmExit) { destroyApp(false); notifyDestroyed(); } else if ( c == cmZoomIn ) { svgCanvas.zoomIn(); } else if ( c == cmZoomOut ) { svgCanvas.zoomOut(); } else if ( c == cmRotateIn ) { svgCanvas.rotateIn(); } else if ( c == cmRotateOut ) { svgCanvas.rotateOut(); } else if ( c == cmRestoreView ) { svgCanvas.restoreView(); } }
the Commands for the menu functions, the display and object of the SvgCanvas2
that is used with this MIDlet.
/* * Private members */ private Display display; private SvgCanvas2 svgCanvas; private Command cmZoomIn; private Command cmZoomOut; private Command cmRotateIn; private Command cmRotateOut; private Command cmRestoreView; private Command cmExit; }