This section provides the source code for the Media Sampler. For the complete Eclipse project ZIP file, see Forum Nokia.
The example includes the following classes:
/* Copyright © 2006 Nokia. */ package; import*; import*; import javax.microedition.midlet.*; import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; import javax.microedition.sip.*; /** * OriginatingInvite: Implements a SIP messaging session initiator via JSR-180. * It establishes SIP session by sending "INVITE - ACK", and stops session by * sending "BYE". It uses shared mode when connecting to the sip server. * This example assumes that user already created the profile on the SDK's or * phone's sip setting, and uses sip profile to register with sip server. The * sip public name for the SDK running originatingInvite is "sip:sip1@sipServer", * and the sip public name for the SDK running terminatingInvite is * "sip:sip2@sipServer". * */ public class OriginatingInvite extends MIDlet implements CommandListener, SipClientConnectionListener, SipServerConnectionListener { private Display display; private long startTime; private Form form; private TextField address; private Command startCmd; private Command restartCmd; private Command byeCmd; private Command exitCmd; private SipDialog dialog; private StringItem str; //States private final short S_OFFLINE = 0; private final short S_CALLING = 1; private final short S_RINGING = 2; private final short S_ONLINE = 3; //Protocol constants - headers: private final String FROM_HEADER = "From"; private final String TO_HEADER="To"; private final String CONTACT_HEADER = "Contact"; private final String CONTENT_LENGTH_HEADER = "Content-Length"; private final String CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER = "Content-Type"; private final String ACCEPT_CONTACT_HEADER = "Accept-Contact"; private final String CALL_ID_HEADER = "Call-ID"; //Protocol constants - some header values private final String SDP_MIME_TYPE = "application/sdp"; private final String ACCEPT_CONTACT = "*;type=\"" + SDP_MIME_TYPE + "\""; private final String DESTINATION_SIP_URI = "sip:sip2@host:5060"; //Protocol constants - status private final int OK_STATUS = 200; private final int RING_STATUS = 180; private final int UNSUCCESS_STATUS = 400; private final int METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED_STATUS = 405; //Protocol constants - methods private final String INVITE_METHOD = "INVITE"; private final String PRACK_METHOD = "PRACK"; private final String BYE_METHOD = "BYE"; //Timeouts values private final int TIME_OUT = 30000; private final int RECEIVE_TIMEOUT = 15000; //UI labels and messages private final String INVITE_LABEL = "INVITE"; private final String BYE_COMMAND_LABEL = "Hang-up"; private final String FORM_LABEL = "Session example"; private final String RESTART_CMD_LABEL = "Restart"; private final String START_CMD_LABEL = "Call..."; private final String EXIT_CMD_LABEL = "Exit"; private final String SCC_RES = "Response: "; private final String RING = "RINGING...\n"; private final String DIALOG_LABEL = "Early-Dialog state: "; private final String DIALOG_STATE = "Dialog state: "; private final String SESSION_ESTABLISHED = "Session established: "; private final String SESSION_FAIL = "Session failed: "; private final String NO_ANSWER = "No answer: "; private final String HANG_UP = "user hang-up: "; private final String SESSION_CLOSE_NOTIFY = "Session closed successfully..."; private final String ERROR = "Error: "; private final String EXCEPTION = "Exception: "; private final String NO_DIALOG_INFO = "No dialog information!"; private final String SESSION_CANCEL = "Session canceled: "; private final String ERROR_CANCEL = "Error canceling the call..."; private final String OTHER_HANG_UP = "Other side hang-up!"; private final String CLOSE_NOTIFIER = "Closing notifier..."; private short state = S_OFFLINE; private SipConnectionNotifier scn; private SipServerConnection ssc = null; private SipClientConnection scc = null; private String contact = null; // using static SDP content as an example private String sdp = "v=0\no=sippy 2890844730 2890844732 IN IP4\ns=example code\nc=IN IP4\nt=0 0\nm=message 54344 SIP/TCP\na=user:sippy"; /** * Creates a new originatingInvite object. */ public OriginatingInvite() { // Initialize MIDlet display display=Display.getDisplay(this); // create a Form for progess info printings form = new Form(FORM_LABEL); address = new TextField(INVITE_LABEL + ": ", DESTINATION_SIP_URI, 40, TextField.LAYOUT_LEFT); form.append(address); byeCmd = new Command(BYE_COMMAND_LABEL, Command.CANCEL, 1); restartCmd = new Command(RESTART_CMD_LABEL, Command.OK, 1); startCmd = new Command(START_CMD_LABEL, Command.OK, 1); form.addCommand(startCmd); exitCmd = new Command(EXIT_CMD_LABEL, Command.EXIT, 1); form.addCommand(exitCmd); form.setCommandListener(this); } /** * Creates a commandAction object with given command and displayable. * @param c Command the command used for the commandAction * @param d Displayable the displayable used when excuting the command */ public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) { if(c == startCmd) { form.deleteAll(); form.removeCommand(startCmd); form.addCommand(byeCmd); state = S_CALLING; Thread t = new Thread() { public void run() { startSession(); } }; t.start(); return; } else if(c == exitCmd) { destroyApp(true); return; } else if(c == byeCmd) { if(state == S_RINGING) { sendCANCEL(); } else { sendBYE(); } form.removeCommand(byeCmd); form.addCommand(restartCmd); return; } else if(c == restartCmd) { stopListener(); form.removeCommand(restartCmd); form.addCommand(startCmd); form.deleteAll(); form.append(address); return; } } /** * Signals the MIDlet that it has entered the Active state. It also * invokes the application and makes the form visible. */ public void startApp() { display.setCurrent(form); } private void startSession() { try { state = S_CALLING; // start a listener for incoming requests startListener(); form.append("Waiting for the connection."); // SIP connection with remote user scc = (SipClientConnection); scc.setListener(this); // initialize INVITE request scc.initRequest(INVITE_METHOD, scn); scc.setHeader(ACCEPT_CONTACT_HEADER, ACCEPT_CONTACT); scc.setHeader(CONTACT_HEADER,contact); scc.setHeader(CONTENT_LENGTH_HEADER, ""+sdp.length()); scc.setHeader(CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER, SDP_MIME_TYPE); OutputStream os = scc.openContentOutputStream(); os.write(sdp.getBytes()); os.close(); // close and send str = new StringItem(INVITE_LABEL + "...", scc.getHeader(TO_HEADER)); form.append(str); } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); form.append(EXCEPTION + ex.getMessage()); } } /** * Processes incoming responses sent from the other party based on its * contents. * @param SipClientConnection the object represents a SIP client * transaction. */ public void notifyResponse(SipClientConnection scc) { int statusCode = 0; boolean received = false; try { scc.receive(0); // fetch response statusCode = scc.getStatusCode(); str = new StringItem(SCC_RES, statusCode+" "+scc.getReasonPhrase()); form.append(str); if(statusCode < OK_STATUS) { dialog = scc.getDialog(); form.append(DIALOG_LABEL+dialog.getState()+"\n"); if(statusCode == RING_STATUS){ state = S_RINGING; form.append(RING); } } if(statusCode == OK_STATUS) { String contentType = scc.getHeader(CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER); String contentLength = scc.getHeader(CONTENT_LENGTH_HEADER); int length = Integer.parseInt(contentLength); if(contentType.equals(SDP_MIME_TYPE)) { form.append("sdp content received."); } form.append(DIALOG_STATE+dialog.getState()); scc.initAck(); // initialize and send ACK scc.setHeader(ACCEPT_CONTACT_HEADER, ACCEPT_CONTACT); scc.send(); dialog = scc.getDialog(); // save dialog info str = new StringItem(SESSION_ESTABLISHED, scc.getHeader(CALL_ID_HEADER)); form.append(str); state = S_OFFLINE; }else if(statusCode >= UNSUCCESS_STATUS){ str = new StringItem(SESSION_FAIL, scc.getHeader(CALL_ID_HEADER)); form.append(str); form.removeCommand(byeCmd); form.addCommand(restartCmd); scc.close(); state = S_OFFLINE; } } catch(IOException ioe) { // handle e.g. transaction timeout here str = new StringItem(NO_ANSWER, ioe.getMessage()); form.append(str); form.removeCommand(byeCmd); form.addCommand(restartCmd); }catch(Exception e){ } } // Ends session with "BYE". private void sendBYE() { if(dialog != null) { try { SipClientConnection sc = dialog.getNewClientConnection(BYE_METHOD); sc.setHeader(ACCEPT_CONTACT_HEADER, ACCEPT_CONTACT); sc.send(); str = new StringItem(HANG_UP, BYE_METHOD + " sent..."); form.append(str); boolean gotit = sc.receive(RECEIVE_TIMEOUT); if(gotit) { if(sc.getStatusCode() == OK_STATUS) { form.append(SESSION_CLOSE_NOTIFY); form.append(DIALOG_STATE + dialog.getState()); } else form.append(ERROR + sc.getReasonPhrase()); } sc.close(); state = S_OFFLINE; } catch(IOException iox) { form.append(EXCEPTION + iox.getMessage()); } } else { form.append(NO_DIALOG_INFO); } } private void sendCANCEL() { if(scc != null) { try { SipClientConnection cancel = scc.initCancel(); cancel.send(); if(cancel.receive(TIME_OUT)) { str = new StringItem(SESSION_CANCEL, cancel.getReasonPhrase()); form.append(str); state = S_OFFLINE; } else { form.append(ERROR_CANCEL); } } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); form.append(EXCEPTION + ex.getMessage()); } } } /** * Signals the MIDlet to enter the Paused state. */ public void pauseApp() { // pause } /** * Signals the MIDlet to terminate and enter the Destroyed state. * @param b boolean If true when this method is called, the MIDlet * must cleanup and release all resources. If false the MIDlet may * throw MIDletStateChangeException to indicate it does not want to be * destroyed at this time. */ public void destroyApp(boolean b) { notifyDestroyed(); } /** * Terminates the application. */ public void shutdown() { destroyApp(false); } /** * Processes the requests based on contents. * @param scn SipConnectionNotifier the SIP server connection notifier * object */ public void notifyRequest(SipConnectionNotifier sn) { try { ssc = scn.acceptAndOpen(); // blocking if(ssc.getMethod().equals(BYE_METHOD)) { // respond 200 OK to BYE ssc.initResponse(OK_STATUS); ssc.send(); str = new StringItem(OTHER_HANG_UP, ""); form.append(str); form.append(CLOSE_NOTIFIER); form.removeCommand(byeCmd); form.addCommand(restartCmd); scn.close(); state = S_OFFLINE; } else { if(ssc.getMethod().equals(PRACK_METHOD)) { ssc.initResponse(OK_STATUS); ssc.send(); } else { // 405 Method Not Allowed ssc.initResponse(METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED_STATUS); ssc.send(); } } } catch(IOException ex) { form.append(EXCEPTION + ex.getMessage()); } } private void startListener() { try { if(scn != null) scn.close(); scn = (SipConnectionNotifier)"sip:*;type=\"" + SDP_MIME_TYPE + '"'); contact = new String("sip:sip1@" + scn.getLocalAddress() + ":" + scn.getLocalPort()); scn.setListener(this); } catch(IOException ex) { form.append(EXCEPTION + ex.getMessage()); } } private void stopListener() { try { if(scn != null) scn.close(); scn = null; } catch(IOException ex) { form.append(EXCEPTION + ex.getMessage()); } } }
/* Copyright © 2006 Nokia. */ package; import*; import*; import javax.microedition.midlet.*; import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; import javax.microedition.sip.*; /** * TerminatingInvite: Implements a SIP messaging session listener via JSR-180. * It answers to SIP INVITE request by sending "180 Ringing" and "200 OK". Stops * session by sending "BYE". It uses shared mode when connecting to the sip server. * This example assumes that user already created the profile on the SDK's or * phone's sip setting, and uses sip profile to register with sip server. The * sip public name for the SDK running originatingInvite is "sip:sip1@sipServer", * and the sip public name for the SDK running terminatingInvite is * "sip:sip2@sipServer". */ public class TerminatingInvite extends MIDlet implements CommandListener, SipServerConnectionListener { private Display display; private long startTime; private Form form; private TextField receivePort; private Command startCmd; private Command restartCmd; private Command byeCmd; private Command answerCmd; private Command cancelCmd; private Command exitCmd; private boolean active = false; private SipDialog dialog; private StringItem str; private SipServerConnection ssc = null; // latest request private SipServerConnection origSSC = null; // original request //States private final short S_OFFLINE = 0; private final short S_CALLING = 1; private final short S_RINGING = 2; private final short S_ONLINE = 3; //Protocol constants - headers private final String CALL_ID_HEADER = "Call-ID"; private final String ACCEPT_CONTACT_HEADER = "Accept-Contact"; //Protocol constants - some header values private final String SDP_MIME_TYPE = "application/sdp"; //Protocol constants - status private final int OK_STATUS = 200; private final int BUSY_STATUS = 486; private final int REQUEST_TERMINATED_STATUS = 487; private final int RING_STATUS = 180; //Protocol constants - methods private final String BYE_METHOD = "BYE"; //Timeouts values private final int RECEIVE_TIMEOUT = 10000; //UI labels and messages: private final String HANG_UP = "user hang-up: "; private final String SESSION_CLOSE_NOTIFY = "Session closed successfully..."; private final String SESSION_CANCEL = "Session canceled: "; private final String SIP_PORT_LABEL = "SipConnectionNotifier on port:"; private final String EXCEPTION = "Exception: "; private final String SIP_PORT = "sip:5060"; private short state = S_OFFLINE; // using static SDP (Session Description Protocol) as an example private String sdp = "v=0\no=sippy 2890844730 2890844732 IN IP4\ns=example code\nc=IN IP4\nt=0 0\nm=message 54344 SIP/TCP\na=user:sippy"; SipConnectionNotifier scn = null; /** * Creates a new TerminatingInvite object with UI for the user to * enter connection information. */ public TerminatingInvite() { // Initialize MIDlet display display=Display.getDisplay(this); form = new Form("Session example"); receivePort = new TextField(SIP_PORT_LABEL, SIP_PORT, 30, TextField.LAYOUT_LEFT); form.append("Click online to listen on the port."); answerCmd = new Command("Answer", Command.OK, 1); byeCmd = new Command("Hang-up", Command.CANCEL, 1); restartCmd = new Command("Restart", Command.OK, 1); startCmd = new Command("Online", Command.OK, 1); form.addCommand(startCmd); exitCmd = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 2); form.addCommand(exitCmd); form.setCommandListener(this); } /** * Creates a commandAction object with given command and diaplayable. * @param c Command the command used for the commandAction * @param d Displayable the displayable used when excuting the command */ public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) { if(c == startCmd) { form.deleteAll(); form.removeCommand(startCmd); Thread t = new Thread() { public void run() { startListener(); } }; t.start(); return; } else if(c == exitCmd) { if(scn != null) { try { scn.close(); } catch(IOException iox) { form.append(EXCEPTION + iox.getMessage()); } } destroyApp(true); return; } else if(c == byeCmd) { if(state == S_RINGING) { try { ssc.initResponse(BUSY_STATUS); // Busy here ssc.send(); str = new StringItem("Session closed: ", "Buzy here!"); form.append(str); } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); form.append(EXCEPTION + ex.getMessage()); } } else { sendBYE(); } form.removeCommand(byeCmd); form.removeCommand(answerCmd); form.addCommand(restartCmd); state = S_OFFLINE; } else if(c == answerCmd) { form.removeCommand(answerCmd); form.addCommand(byeCmd); try { ssc.initResponse(OK_STATUS); ssc.setHeader("Content-Length", ""+sdp.length()); ssc.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/sdp"); OutputStream os = ssc.openContentOutputStream(); os.write(sdp.getBytes()); os.close(); // close and send // save Dialog dialog = ssc.getDialog(); form.append("Dialog state: " + dialog.getState()+"\n"); // Wait for otherside to ACK form.append("Waiting for ACK..."); } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); form.append(EXCEPTION + ex.getMessage()); } } else if(c == restartCmd) { if(scn != null) { try { scn.close(); } catch(Exception ex) { form.append(EXCEPTION + ex.getMessage()); } } form.removeCommand(restartCmd); form.addCommand(startCmd); form.deleteAll(); form.append(receivePort); return; } } /** * Signals the MIDlet that it has entered the Active state. It also * invokes the application and makes the form visible. */ public void startApp() { display.setCurrent(form); } private void startListener() { try { if(scn != null) scn.close(); // start a listener for incoming request form.append("Waiting for the connection."); scn = (SipConnectionNotifier)"sip:*;type=\"" + SDP_MIME_TYPE + '"'); scn.setListener(this); form.append("Listening on port: "+scn.getLocalPort()); } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); form.append(EXCEPTION + ex.getMessage()); } } /** * Processes the requests based on contents. * Responds with 200 OK after getting the messages. * @param scn SipConnectionNotifier the SIP server connection notifier * object */ public void notifyRequest(SipConnectionNotifier scn) { try { ssc = scn.acceptAndOpen(); // blocking if(ssc.getMethod().equals("INVITE")) { origSSC = ssc; state = S_CALLING; // handle content sdp String contentType = ssc.getHeader("Content-Type"); String contentLength = ssc.getHeader("Content-Length"); int length = Integer.parseInt(contentLength); if(contentType.equals("application/sdp")) { InputStream is = ssc.openContentInputStream(); byte content[] = new byte[length];; String sc = new String(content); int m = sc.indexOf("m="); String media = sc.substring(m, sc.indexOf('\n', m)); str = new StringItem("media is: ", media); form.append(str); // initialize and send 180 response ssc.initResponse(RING_STATUS); ssc.send(); // save Dialog dialog = ssc.getDialog(); form.append("Dialog state: " + dialog.getState()+"\n"); form.addCommand(answerCmd); form.addCommand(byeCmd); // inform user about the session here... form.append("RINGING!!!\n"); state = S_RINGING; return; } } else if(ssc.getMethod().equals("ACK")) { str = new StringItem("Session established: ", ssc.getHeader(CALL_ID_HEADER)); state = S_ONLINE; form.append(str); dialog = ssc.getDialog(); form.append("Dialog state: " + dialog.getState()+"\n"); // Wait for otherside to send BYE form.append("Waiting for BYE..."); } else if(ssc.getMethod().equals(BYE_METHOD)) { ssc.initResponse(OK_STATUS); ssc.send(); state = S_OFFLINE; str = new StringItem("Session closed: ", ssc.getHeader(CALL_ID_HEADER)); form.append(str); form.append("Dialog state: " + dialog.getState()); ssc.close(); form.removeCommand(byeCmd); form.removeCommand(answerCmd); form.addCommand(restartCmd); }else if(ssc.getMethod().equals("CANCEL")) { ssc.initResponse(OK_STATUS); ssc.send(); origSSC.initResponse(REQUEST_TERMINATED_STATUS); origSSC.send(); state = S_OFFLINE; str = new StringItem(SESSION_CANCEL, ssc.getHeader(CALL_ID_HEADER)); form.append(str); form.removeCommand(byeCmd); form.removeCommand(answerCmd); form.addCommand(restartCmd); }else{} } catch(IOException iox) { iox.printStackTrace(); form.append("IO"+EXCEPTION + iox.getMessage()); } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); form.append("Other"+EXCEPTION + ex.getMessage()); } } private void sendBYE() { if(dialog != null) { try { SipClientConnection sc = dialog.getNewClientConnection(BYE_METHOD); sc.setHeader(ACCEPT_CONTACT_HEADER, "*;type=\"" + SDP_MIME_TYPE + "\""); sc.send(); str = new StringItem(HANG_UP, BYE_METHOD + " sent..."); form.append(str); boolean gotit = sc.receive(RECEIVE_TIMEOUT); if(gotit) { if(sc.getStatusCode() == OK_STATUS) { form.append(SESSION_CLOSE_NOTIFY); state = S_OFFLINE; } else form.append("Error: "+sc.getReasonPhrase()); } form.append("Dialog state: " + dialog.getState()); sc.close(); } catch(IOException iox) { form.append("Exception: "+iox.getMessage()); } } else { form.append("No dialog information!"); } } /** * Signals the MIDlet to enter the Paused state. */ public void pauseApp() { // pause } /** * Signals the MIDlet to terminate and enter the Destroyed state. * @param b boolean If true when this method is called, the MIDlet * must cleanup and release all resources. If false the MIDlet may * throw MIDletStateChangeException to indicate it does not want to be * destroyed at this time. */ public void destroyApp(boolean b) { notifyDestroyed(); } }