LWUIT example applications demonstrate LWUIT UI elements and integrated Series 40 platform features in LWUIT applications. They promote a number of performance optimisation techniques and have been tested on various Series 40 phones.
All the applications are available in the <Nokia SDK 2.0 for Java installation directory>\plugins\lwuit\examples.
Quickly see all the impressive LWUIT features in one component gallery application. LWUITDemo is an example application from LWUIT 1.5. It has been modified for Series 40.
Examine how to create a Reddit client with custom theming, custom lists with dynamic height, lead components, network connection handling and updating the UI from another thread, and retrieving and storing data using a JSON REST API.
Get familiar with dragging, different Layouts and Painters. This casual game example also shows how to make custom LWUIT components.
See how to embed Nokia Maps and use In-App Purchase (non-DRM).
A simple example application that demonstrates the use of the LWUIT Calendar component together with the Series 40 PIM APIs.
Utilise this application to create lists with optimised performance and Series 40 look and feel.
See how you can use Series 40 and LWUIT gestures in your Series 40 full touch application.
A simple example application that shows how to use Series 40 full touch Category bar and Action button 1 with a custom icon in a LWUIT application.
ContactBookDemo: shows simple UI creation and use of JSR APIs. It is used in the Getting Started section.
LWUITBrowser: demonstrates how to create a simple web browser. LWUIITBrowser is an example application from LWUIT 1.5 that has not been optimised for Series 40.
Makeover: a simple app that demonstrates themes and searching local business places by keyword and address. Makeover is an example application from LWUIT 1.5 that has not been optimised for Series 40.
Tipster: shows how to create the application UI in Resource Editor. Tipster is an example application from LWUIT 1.5 that has not been optimised for Series 40.