Pop-up TextBox

Normally, a TextBox is presented as a full screen displayable. This can lead to problems with MIDlets that use Canvas, because setting a full screen TextBox on top of customized full screen Canvas can break the look and feel of the application badly.

A pop-up TextBox is available from S60 5th Edition onwards. It reduces look and feel problems by providing a text input component that does not hide the underlying Canvas completely. A pop-up TextBox is used instead of normal TextBox if Nokia-UI-Enhancement: PopUpTextBox application attribute is defined, otherwise normal TextBox is used.

In MIDlet code and on the device display, the pop-up TextBox is used like a normal TextBox, with the following limitations:

For illustrations on the different TextBox variations, see the following images:

Figure 1: Default TextBox

Figure 2: Pop-up TextBox on normal Canvas

Figure 3: Pop-up TextBox on fullscreen Canvas