The Web Services API consists of two independent optional packages designed to provide an infrastructure for the web services client/server architecture.
Starting from implementations of JAXP (Java API for XML Processing) and JAX-RPC (Java APIs for XML based RPC) subsets are included as specified in the JSR-172 and JSR-248 specifications.
The supported JAXP API is a subset of the JAXP 1.2 specification. It offers a SAX 2.0 based XML parsing functionality that can be used in the Java ME platform. However, it does not support DOM-based XML processing.
JAXP API is included from Series 40 3rd Edition and S60 3rd Edition onwards.
The supported JAX-RPC API is a subset of the JAX-RPC 1.1 specification. It offers a Java API for interacting with SOAP based web services.
JAX-RPC API is included from Series 40 5th Edition and S60 3rd Edition onwards.
Web Services API has the following limitations:
The API only provides access to web services from Java ME; it does not provide server capabilities. This means that it is only possible to write web services consumer (WSC) applications, but not web services provider (WSP) applications.
The API supports static stub based method invocation; it does not support dynamic proxies or dynamic invocation interface (DII).
The API only supports stubs for SOAP messages that use document style and literal use (document/literal).
The API supports HTTP Basic Authentication and Session Management as defined by JAX-RCP 1.1 section 13.1.1, "HTTP Basic Authentication" and section 13.2, "Session Management" respectively.
HTTPS is not supported as a transport protocol.