Usage of headers

This section describes special treatments of certain headers.


This header is a mandatory header in all requests because otherwise the S60 implementation does not recognize whether the potential receiving MIDlet is ready to handle a request. See the examples from sections Using PushRegistry and Appendix 1. The CANCEL request is the only exception to this rule since the S60 implementation sets Accept-Contact automatically to the CANCEL request.


The ‘Event’ header is a mandatory one for the SUBSCRIBE request.

The value of the ‘Event’ header can be updated in the first NOTIFY request in the subscription. The value of the ‘Event’ header cannot be changed in the rest of the NOTIFY requests. A MIDlet does not have to set the ‘Event’ header to the NOTIFY request. In the SUBSCRIBE case, the default value for the ‘Event’ header, to the NOTIFY request, is taken from the SUBSCRIBE request. Correspondingly, in the REFER case, the default value of the ‘Event’ header has the value ‘refer’ in the NOTIFY request.


The ‘Refer-To’ header is a mandatory header for the REFER request.


This is a mandatory header for the NOTIFY request.