Video Recorder

The video recorder is created with a capture://video locator. The supported video sizes are width=128&height=96 (SQCIF) and width=176&height=144 (QCIF). Others can be supported depending on the platform version and product. For further information, see Audio & Video at Forum Nokia.

The supported video capture encoding types are listed in the property video.encodings.

Example locator with parameters:


The default recording size limit is not fixed but set by the underlying platform. It thus depends on platform and product versions and available resources. It can be changed with the method RecordControl.setRecordSizeLimit( int size ).

Recording size limit cannot be changed when a player is recording or recording has been stopped but not committed. The RecordControl.setRecordSizeLimit( int size ) method only works before the recording starts or after the recording has been committed.

The video recorder supports the following controls: VideoControl, RecordControl, and GUIControl.

Note: S60 3rd Ed. FP2: All FP2 products support QCIF (176x144) resolution. Other resolutions – e.g. CIF (352x288), QVGA (320x240) and VGA (640x480) – may be supported in some devices.

Camera alarm sounds

A single alarm tone is played at the beginning of a video recording. When a video snapshot (a photograph) is taken, a camera shutter sound is played.