OMA DRM 1.0 is supported for audio media. DRM content type can be any of the supported audio content types (see section Content types). The same MMAPI controls are supported as for the content without DRM. DRM media can be played only from a file:// locator.

S60 3rd Ed. FP 1: OMA DRM 1.0 is also supported for video content types (see section Content types).

S60 3rd Ed. FP 2: OMA DRM 2.0 is supported for audio content types (see section Content types).

For OMA DRM 2.0 protected media files only VolumeControl, StopTimeControl, MetaDataControl & RateControl are supported.

In order to play OMA DRM 2.0 protected files, media usage license is needed. License defines usage rights, i.e. what the player is allowed to do with the media file. For example, how many times the media can be played, content expiration date and cumulative media playback duration (e.g. the media can be started as many times as wanted but the cumulative playback time is restricted to, for example, 10 minutes).

Media usage license can be obtained before the player is created or during the creation process. If a license has not been obtained or it has expired, then Manager.createPlayer call will show a dialog asking the user if a new license should be obtained. Regardless of the user selection, the createPlayer call will fail with MediaException: Symbian OS Error: -17452 (no rights) or -17451 (rights expired). If the user chose to obtain new license, then the browser application is started and it attempts to download a new license. Once a new license is obtained, Manager.createPlayer can be called again successfully.

If rights expire during playback, the media is allowed to play to the end or until it is stopped manually. Subsequent start will once again display a dialog asking the user if new license should be obtained and throw the MediaException. Same will happen also if player is created while the license is valid but not prefetched right away, and it then expires before prefetch (or start) is called.

Note: For more information on DRM, see following documents in Forum Nokia.

  • Implementation Best Practices For OMA DRM Release 1

  • Digital Rights Management (DRM) and Reliable Download Technologies

  • DRM Developer’s Guide for Nokia Devices