Java Runtime for Symbian

The Java ME implementation on Symbian devices is called Java Runtime (JRT) for Symbian. It is versioned separately from the underlying Symbian platform. Versioning is needed to be able to clearly identify the set of Java features carried by a certain Symbian device. Java Runtime for Symbian has no relation to the versioning of the desktop Java Runtime Environment (JRE). For more information, see Naming and versioning of Java Runtime for S60 on Forum Nokia.

Each version of the Java Runtime for Symbian includes a set of new features and fixed issues. Release notes of all supported versions are provided on Forum Nokia. Release notes for a Java Runtime for Symbian version list the new features in the version, significant issues that have been fixed, and the Symbian devices it is shipping in.

The following table lists the different Java Runtime for Symbian versions. For each version, the table also lists the Symbian platform releases with which the version ships, and links to more information.

Table: Java Runtime for Symbian versions


Platform release

More information

Java Runtime 2.2 for Symbian


Release notes

Java Runtime 2.1 for Symbian


JRT 2.1 is also available for S60 5th Edition via Nokia Beta Labs.

Release notes

Java Runtime 1.4 for S60

S60 5th Edition

Release notes

Java Runtime 1.3 for S60

S60 5th Edition

Release notes

For instructions on how to retrieve the Java Runtime version on a device, see section Determining the Java Runtime version.