In Symbian, when a link with the javaapp:
or localapp://jam/launch?
URI scheme is opened on a web page,
the corresponding MIDlet is launched. If JavaScript is enabled, a
JavaScript function may also activate the link.
Unsigned MIDlets cannot be launched from web links.
Before the MIDlet is started from a web browser link, the auto
invocation permission of the MIDlet is checked. At installation time,
MIDlets request permission
. You can configure the prompting of identified third-party signed
MIDlets through the function group displayed in application manager
as "Access via web address". Session is the maximum interaction mode
for this function group.
This means that in case of third-party MIDlets, the user is always asked at least once to confirm the MIDlet launch. Operator/manufacturer signed MIDlets are launched from web links without prompting.
If you use non-US-ASCII characters in the URL, you must use UTF-8 encoding. Also spaces must be encoded, for example: