Recording sound and video

Sound and video recording can be done by using RecordControl. On the Symbian platform, sound and video recording is supported from 2nd Edition onwards. Series 40 platform supports sound recording from 3rd Edition, FP1 onwards. You can check the support by using the following system properties:

  • - for audio recording

  • - for video recording

These properties return true if recording is supported.

When creating a Player for audio or video capture, or specific capture, the locator URL must be used as a parameter to the createPlayer method of the Manager class. The following code line creates a Player instance for audio capture:

Player p = Manager.createPlayer("capture://audio");

Camera snapshot for pictures or video recording use the following locators:

  • Series 40 platform:

    • capture://image (for photo capture)

    • capture://video (for video recording)

  • Symbian platform:

    • capture://video (for video recording and image capture)

    • capture://devcam0 (for video recording and image capture)

    • capture://devcam1 (second camera, if the device has two cameras)

  • Audio capture locator:

    • capture://audio

You can also define the exact recorded media type to the locator URL. The supported parameters vary between platforms and devices. Note that SDKs might not support capture features at all, so testing should be done with the actual mobile devices. For further details about recording, check the Mobile Media API specification.