Video Player

Media content is loaded when a player is PREFETCHED. Therefore, media information – for example, media duration – is not available until the player is PREFETCHED.

The minimum video width and height is 32 pixels. If the video image width or height is less than 32, the video image is not shown and only the audio part of the video content is played. For example, a video of size 48 x 32 is shown but 32 x 24 is not shown. This applies to the original video dimensions and to video resizing through VideoControl. For example a video file with source size 352 x 288 but resized to 32 x 24 using VideoControl would not be shown, whereas a video file with source size >24 x 16 but resized to 128 x 96 would be shown.

S60 3rd Edition Feature Pack 1: When video media is accessed from a file:// locator, media content is loaded when the player is REALIZED. In this case, media details (such as duration) are available already in REALIZED state.

Symbian^3: Devices support high-definition (720p) video playback. For more information, see section HDMI playback.