Scalable icon support

From S60 3rd edition FP2 onwards, the platform supports Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG-T version 1.1) icons as Java MIDlet icons whereas earlier platform versions supported only PNG icons and other bitmap graphics formats. Since there is a multitude of devices with different resolutions that show the MIDlet icons in different sizes, providing also SVG icons in the MIDlet makes the application icons generally look better in Symbian devices.

Series 40 does not support SVG icons.

On S60 3rd edition FP 2 also the standard MIDlet suite and MIDlet icon attributes can contain SVG icon names. However, it is recommended that for backwards compatibility you should provide only PNG icons in these standard attributes and use the Nokia-Scalable-Icon attributes for providing the scalable icons. Doing this allows the alternative PNG icons to be presented in devices without SVG support.

Nokia specific attributes Nokia-Scalable-Icon and Nokia-Scalable-Icon-MIDlet-<n> are used to provide scalable MIDlet icons. These Nokia specific attributes have priority over the standard MIDP attributes in the icon lookup order. For details, see Icon support . The icon file names and paths may contain spaces (U+0020). The icon file name is encoded as UTF-8 .

The Symbian SDK for Nokia devices is bundled with SVG2SVGT, a tool to convert normal SVG icons to SVG Tiny (SVG-T) format that optimizes the SVG icon for the Symbian SVG Engine.

To assign an SVG icon to a MIDlet, see the following code:

	MIDlet-1: HelloWorldMIDlet, /bitmap_icon.png , example.hello.HelloWorldMIDlet 
	Nokia-Scalable-Icon-MIDlet-1: /scalable_icon.svg

If SVG-T icons are not supported by the platform, the SVG file is not used. It is possible to provide the link to the SVG file in the MIDlet-Icon attribute.