This topic describes how to a simple application that displays names from the Phonebook using the JSR-75 PIM API. The application UI is built using the following LWUIT UI components and features:
TextArea (using Nokia TextEditor)
The application defines a minimal set of softkeys to ensure that the application is easy to use: the Exit and Clear commands are mapped to the right softkey and the Options menu to the left softkey.
This is where we were with the source code:
import javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet; import com.sun.lwuit.Command; import com.sun.lwuit.Display; import com.sun.lwuit.Form; public class Midlet extends MIDlet { public void startApp() { Display.init(this); Form form = new Form("Hello World");; } public void pauseApp() { } public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) { } }
is a static method that creates a
device-specific implementation class instance behind the scenes and
sets some parameters based on, for example, the number of softkeys
and whether or not the device has a touch screen. Form's in LWUIT
are analogous to LCDUI's forms and represent different screens in
the application.
The following topics describe how to create a ContactBookDemo application with information about security prompts and signing. It also lists the complete source code of the ContactBookDemo application.