Known Issues

Nokia-UI-Enhancement "CanvasHasBackground" can not be used

This manifest attribute makes the canvas background transparent so that the system background can be seen. It does not work with full-screen canvases. LWUIT's canvas is always full screen.

In full touch devices, the background color is read during the application startup.

Known bugs

The slider component is practically unusable.

Non-touch issues

When the UI has a spinner component, you can not move the focus away from the spinner.

General considerations

  • The LWUIT library is added to every LWUIT application. The application needs to be obfuscated to keep the binary size moderate. The LWUIT UI framework takes 700-800 KB of space, but with obfuscation it goes down to 350KB or even less, depending on the complexity of the application.

  • LWUIT is not optimised for applications that require very high-speed graphics (full-blown games). LCDUI's Canvas and GameCanvas are better choices there.

  • The Series 40 device portfolio ranges from very price-competitive entry devices with a 128 x 160 pixel display and keyboard input to capable touch UI phones with a QVGA display and enhanced CPU and RAM. You need to carefully select your application features for each target device as some animations and transitions may not run smoothly on lower-end devices. If those features are in use, scaling down the application for low-end devices is needed to ensure a good user experience on each device.