CBackupNotifier::CRetryTimer Class Reference
class CBackupNotifier::CRetryTimer : public CTimer |
- Since
- 7.0 The timer Active object for providing backup server connection retries. Note that task execution is dependant upon the task priority The default priority is idle time execution only. It is first scheduled by the CBackupNotifier::ConstructL() call.
Inherits from
- CBackupNotifier::CRetryTimer
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
CRetryTimer(CBackupNotifier &)
Intended Usage : Standardised default c'tor made explicit to avoid unintentional conversion construction by the compiler. Error Condition : None
- Since
- 7.0
- Pre-condition
- None
- Post-condition
- CRetryTimer is fully constructed
Intended Usage : Standard default d'tor Error Condition : None
- Since
- 7.0
- Pre-condition
- CRetryTimer is fully constructed.
- Post-condition
- CRetryTimer is totally destroyed
Member Functions Documentation
void | ConstructL | ( | ) | [private] |
Intended Usage : Standardised 2nd, (Initialisation) phase of two phase construction. Error Condition : Leaves with error code : usually KErrNoMemory.
- leave
- KErrNoMemory.
- Since
- 7.0
- Pre-condition
- CRetryTimer is fully constructed.
- Post-condition
- CRetryTimer is fully initialised.
Intended Usage : The cancel action called by
CActive::Cancel(). Error Condition : None
- Since
- 7.0
- Pre-condition
- CRetryTimer is fully constructed.
- Post-condition
- CRetryTimer is no longer active on the current scheduler.
NewL(CBackupNotifier &)
Intended Usage : Standardised safe construction which leaves nothing on the cleanup stack. Error Condition : Not enough memory available.
- leave
- KErrNoMemory
- Since
- 7.0
- Pre-condition
- None
- Post-condition
- CRetryTimer is fully constructed, and initialised.
Intended Usage : Called when the backup notification connection failed by leaving.
- Since
- 7.0
- Pre-condition
- CRetryTimer is fully constructed.
- Post-condition
- CRetryTimer is re-activated.
TInt aError | The error code that the RunL left with. |
Intended Usage : When the object activates, this method calls the
CBackupNotifier to attempt a reconnection to the backup service notifier.
- leave
- KErrNoMemory
- Since
- 7.0
- Pre-condition
- CRetryTimer is fully constructed.
- Post-condition
- The notification service has been sccessfully connected.
Member Data Documentation
CBackupNotifier & iNotifier
A reference to its owning class instance
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