Alf::AlfWidgetAttributeOwnerImpl Class Reference

class Alf::AlfWidgetAttributeOwnerImpl : public Alf::IAlfAttributeOwner

Implementation of the IAlfAttributeOwner interface for AlfWidget.

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AlfWidgetAttributeOwnerImpl(CAlfWidgetControl *)

AlfWidgetAttributeOwnerImpl(CAlfWidgetControl *aControl)



CAlfWidgetControl * aControl




Member Functions Documentation


intattributeCount()const [virtual]

Get the number of available attributes.

canHandleAttribute(const char *)

boolcanHandleAttribute(const char *aAttributeName)[private]

Can attribute be handled with this widget.


const char * aAttributeNameName of the attribute.

getAttribute(const UString &)

const AlfAttribute *getAttribute(const UString &aAttribName)const [virtual]

Gets the attribute with the given name. The returned attribute instance is owned by the widget and should not be deleted. Also the returned attribute instance should not be modified. Use SetAttribute for that.


const UString & aAttribNameThe name of the attribute.

getAttribute(const UString &, const UString &)

const AlfAttribute *getAttribute(const UString &aTargetId,
const UString &aAttribName
)const [virtual]

Gets the attribute with the given name from specific target. The returned attribute instance is owned by the widget and should not be deleted. Also the returned attribute instance should not be modified. Use SetAttribute for that.


const UString & aTargetIdThe name of the target widget part, e.g. element class
const UString & aAttribNameThe name of the attribute.

handleAttribute(const AlfAttribute &)

voidhandleAttribute(const AlfAttribute &aAttribute)[private]

Handles the attribute, sets proper values.


const AlfAttribute & aAttributeReference attribute, the data is copied from it. The ownership is not transferred.

handleElementAttribute(const AlfAttribute &)

boolhandleElementAttribute(const AlfAttribute &aAttribute)[private]

Lets elements to try handle attribute.


const AlfAttribute & aAttributeReference attribute, the data is copied from it. The ownership is not transferred.

makeInterface(const IfId &)

IAlfInterfaceBase *makeInterface(const IfId &aType)[virtual]

Getter for interfaces provided by the widget classes. Derived classes should always call the base class method from the overridden MakeInterface.

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const IfId & aTypeA descriptor to identify the type of the queried interface.

setAttribute(const AlfAttribute &)

boolsetAttribute(const AlfAttribute &aAttribute)[virtual]

Set a value of an attribute.


const AlfAttribute & aAttributeReference attribute, the data is copied from it. The ownership is not transferred.

setAttribute(const UString &, AlfAttributeValueType *)

boolsetAttribute(const UString &aAttribName,
AlfAttributeValueType *aValue

Set a value of an attribute. This SetAttribute variant is for simple non animated attributes that only have name and value.


const UString & aAttribNameName of the attribute.
AlfAttributeValueType * aValueValue of the attribute. Ownership is transferred

setAttribute(const UString &, AlfAttribute &)

boolsetAttribute(const UString &aTargetId,
AlfAttribute &aAttribute

Sets a value of an attribute to a specific target. The target is identified by using aTargetId parameter.


const UString & aTargetIdName of the target widget part, e.g element class tag.
AlfAttribute & aAttributeReference attribute, the data is copied from it. The ownership is not transferred.

setAttribute(const UString &, const UString &, AlfAttributeValueType *)

boolsetAttribute(const UString &aTargetId,
const UString &aAttribName,
AlfAttributeValueType *aValue

Sets a value of an static attribute. This SetAttribute variant is for simple non animated attributes that only have name and value.


const UString & aTargetIdThe name of the target widget part, e.g. element class
const UString & aAttribNameName of the attribute.
AlfAttributeValueType * aValueValue of the attribute. Ownership is transferred

setAttributeContainer(const UString &, AlfAttributeContainer &)

boolsetAttributeContainer(const UString &aTargetId,
AlfAttributeContainer &aAttributeContainer

Sets values of each attribute in given container to a specific target. The target is identified by using aTargetId parameter.


const UString & aTargetIdName of the target widget part, e.g element class tag.
AlfAttributeContainer & aAttributeContainerReference attributeContainer, All attributes in the container are handled. The ownership is not transferred.

setAttributeContainer(AlfAttributeContainer &)

boolsetAttributeContainer(AlfAttributeContainer &aAttributeContainer)[virtual]

Sets values of each attribute in given container


AlfAttributeContainer & aAttributeContainerReference attributeContainer, All attributes in the container are handled. The ownership is not transferred.

Member Data Documentation

AlfPtrVector< AlfAttribute > mAttributeList

AlfPtrVector< AlfAttribute >mAttributeList[private]

CAlfWidgetControl * mControl

CAlfWidgetControl *mControl[private]

The control. Not own.