Save Environment

A created environment has to be saved if you want to use it afterwards or deliver to other NCF users.

To save an environment for the first time or by another name:

  1. Select File | Save as.

  2. Select a suitable folder. Give a suitable file name.

  3. Complete the saving by selecting Save.

Once the environment has been saved for the first time, it can be saved by selecting File | Save or from Save-button in the toolbar.

Names of the products, applications, messages and their connections and location coordinates in the GUI are saved as environment's parts. Log information is not saved into the environment information. The same NCF software or other NCFs can use the saved environment.

Note : Product port information is NCF-specific and it is not saved with the environment information. When the saved environment is opened in another NCF product, new port information is loaded from the product properties of the NCF structure. If the environment’s products are not found in the structure, the system will indicate which products are missing and you will not be able to open the environment.