Overview of In-app purchase simulation in the SDK

In-app purchase simulation in SDK allows the developer to use In-app APIs in the application (compilation support) and test the “In-app purchase behavior” (run time support) in an easy way.

Actual “In-app purchase” use case involves contacting content server to get the content, download, the content, install and money transactions etc. when the purchase happens. These complications make it difficult for the developer to test their applications which uses In-app APIs.

SDK provides In-app simulation which allows the developer to set the expected behavior for “In-app purchase” use case, and while running the MIDlet, SDK ensures the same behavior happens with In-app use cases.

In-app SDK simulation does not support “Single Sign On” (SOS) for IAP APIs, so the authentication mode flag in restoreProduct(), getRestorableProducts() and authenticationMode() methods do not have any impact.

Simulation allows the developer to simulate all the use cases of In-app purchase, which includes simulating network error during purchase, payment failure.

SDK simulates following use case of In-app:

  1. Product purchase

  2. Get product details

  3. Restoring product

  4. Restorable products for an application

  5. Get user and device data

  6. DRM access simulation