Content pack feature support

The Nokia SDK 1.1 for Java includes Content Packs, collections of copyrighted wallpaper, screensavers, and themes.

The inclusion of Content Packs in the emulator enables developers to test applications that make use of this additional copyrighted contents.

After installation of SDK by default there are few contents available like Wallpapers and Themes inside SDK.

Wallpapers can be located inside Menu->Gallery->Graphics->Wallpapers.

Themes can be located inside Menu->Gallery->Themes.

Both the Wallpapers and Themes are Copyright protected, they can’t be shared between SDK instances & also cannot be extracted from the SDK and reused in other phones.

Also In Nokia SDK 1.1 for Java, for each language pack i.e ".ppm" files, there is a corresponding content pack file which is a .bin file.

E.g for "package_a.ppm" Language support there is a corresponding "package_a.bin" file . This content pack (.bin) file corresponds to the My Nokia Midlet that contains strings, contents etc. for various language support.