Using the SDK with Nokia IDE for Java ME (Eclipse)

Nokia IDE for Java ME (Eclipse) is designed to develop Java applications for Nokia devices based on the Series 40 platform. It is based on the Eclipse Mobile Tools for JavaTM (MTJ). Nokia IDE for Java ME (Eclipse) extends Eclipse MTJ to provide additional features for developing Java applications.

Nokia IDE for Java ME (Eclipse) provides the following benefits over Eclipse MTJ:
  • Enables you to install Series 40 SDKs on your system using the Device SDK Manager feature of the IDE.

  • Automatically detects and integrates the Nokia Series 40 SDKs for Java installed on your system.

  • Provides the Nokia In-app template to develop applications with the In-app purchase feature.

  • Provides support for the Nokia-specific JAD attributes to manage and describe MIDlets for Nokia devices.

Note: You can access Nokia IDE for Java ME (Eclipse) User Guide by selecting Help > Help Contents from Nokia IDE for Java ME (Eclipse).