Switch on the Bluetooth of the device.
Install also the Midp2VmArgsModifier.sis into the device.
You can find the sis in the following folder:
and EcmtAgent_MIDP.SIS present in the following folder \\S60_3rd_FP2_v1.1_SDK\S60tools\Ecmt
Create a file by name j9midpArgs.txt on your PC
copy the below line and modify the IP address with your PC IP address.
-Xrunjdwp:server=y,address=<IP address of the UserPC>:8000 Or any port which is free to use
Create a folder by name java in c:
Folder structure
Copy the txt file(j9midpArgs.txt) to C:\java
" PS: If not able to create folder in c: then try creating it in MMC card."
Start Eclipse on the PC. Import the midlet to be debugged on the device.
Open the Debug dialogue box on the eclipse IDE.
In the connection properties of remote java application insert the following parameters.
Host: Device IP address
<Device will assign the IP address automatically, if you are unable to query the IP of your Device, please set it manually, by editing the Access point of your WLAN connection, in Advanced Settings, IPv4 settings tab. The IP address given should be unique in the network.For verification of the IPaddress you can use the following command: \\ping <IP address given to device>>
Port : 8880(or port given in IDE ).
Install the midlet on the device which is to be debugged.
Run the Midlet first on the device.
This prompts that it is using new arguments on the VM.
And also for a valid network connection where the PC and the device are members.
In the IDE run the remote java application instance.
This will connect to the device and ODD should happen with this.