Sdk.exe syntax and arguments


sdk.exe [argument]

Note: The full directory path must always be added when the sdk.exe command is entered into the command prompt. For example:



load <url/filename>

Starts the emulator if it is not running and loads the specified URL/Filename into the S60 browser.


Starts an interactive session, which issues a prompt, and read commands from the standard input.


Defines the target for the operation. Valid target arguments are emulator and device. The default value for this argument is emulator (that is, if no target is defined the operation will be executed in the emulator). sdk.exe will attach to an already running emulator executable and attempt to load the content in it.


Defines the communication port (serial port) to communicate with a device. This option is only used when the target is the device. The value for the <com_port> argument value is a positive integer representing the port number. If the Device Connectivity Tool for S60 SDK application is already running, this option will reconfigure the application and it will force the Device Connectivity Tool for S60 SDK application to use the newly defined port. This option is optional if the Device Connectivity Tool for S60 SDK application is already running and configured (see Introduction to diagnostics and tracing).


This option specifies the URL or a path for a content. The URL can be of the http://, https:// or file:// schema. The -url: prefix for this argument is optional and it is only supported for backward compatibility with some 3rd party applications which use this interface to pass content to the SDK. A file path or a file schema is always relative to the hardware (PC or mobile device) where the content is rendered (launched). If the target is the emulator, file references are relative to the PC. If the target is a device, file references are relative to the device.

close [-exit]

The close command terminates the session but leaves the SDK running, while close -exit terminates the session as well as the emulator.


This command line interface will not transfer files to the device. To open a local file on the device from the PC using this CLI, the content should be transferred to the device using other tools.



  • Opens the web page in the Web browser of the emulator. This will start the emulator if the emulator is not running, or it will attach to an already running emulator.

C:\<S60_SDK_installation_directory>\epoc32\release\winscw\udeb>sdk.exe C:\mypage.html

  • Loads the C:\mypage.html page to the emulator's Web browser from the root directory of the PC's C: drive.

C:\<S60_SDK_installation_directory>\epoc32\release\winscw\udeb>sdk.exe -target:device -com:2 C:\mypage.html

  • Loads the C:\mypage.html page to the Web browser on the device from the root directory of the C: drive of the device. Notice, that on the device some directories are protected and the browser application does not have access rights to those directories (the C:\ directory is not protected).