Converting SVG files to SVGT


Converting SVG files to SVGT is done in the configuration view of the SVG to SVGT Converter.

Note: You can select a previously created and saved conversion configuration by selecting File > Open (see Saving and opening a conversion configuration).


  1. Select the .svg file for conversion by clicking the Browse button.

    Notice that you can add multiple files for conversion simultaneously.

    The Add dialog provides the following options:

    • Add with WildCards - You can select the input directory and from this directory either select single/multiple files manually or specify wild characters (for example, *_new.svg) in the File name field for filtering the files for selection. If wild characters are specified in the File name field, click the Add with WildCardsto add all the files matching the criteria in the File name field in the current directory and adds them to the input files list.

    • Include Subfolders checkbox - Searches all the subfolders of the selected directory. The search will find all files matching the pattern specified in the File name field.

    • Maintain Folder Structure - Replicates the directory structure of the selected input directory under the output directory, .

  2. In the Output Directory field, define where you want the converted SVGT file to be saved.

  3. In the Pass Through File field, determine the pass-through file that you want to use in for the conversion.

  4. In the Critical File Size field, set the maximum file size of the converted SVGT file.

  5. Click Convert.


The converted SVGT files are generated to the defined output directory.

A message is displayed once the file has been converted to SVGT. If the output exceeds the critical files size that you have set, a warning message is displayed in the message window.