Setting up MSK

From now on it is assumed that application has enabled MSK.

If an application uses softkeys which do not have MSK defined (for example, some old AvKon softkey resources), no MSK will be displayed, and when the user presses MSK, the left softkey command is generated. However, there is an exception for this: when softkeys without MSK is passed to the SetCommandSetL method, the left softkey is copied to MSK (this corrects the case, where the old MSK is visible when only left and right softkeys have been updated by SetCommandSetL).

When the left and middle softkey have the same command id, the selection icon (QgnPropMskSelect) is set to MSK (in this case the MSK label will be seen only in low memory situation, when there is no memory for an icon).

When the MSK command id is EaknSoftkeyContextOptions, the context specific options menu icon (QgnPropMskMenu) is set to MSK.