Emulator.exe syntax and arguments

emulator.exe is the implementation of the Unified Emulator Interface Specification (UEI) 1.0.2.


emulator [arguments] <Application>

Note: The following directory path must always be added when the emulator.exe command is entered into the command prompt:



-classpath, -cp

Path to jar file and MIDlet class


Property definitions.


version information of the emulator, profile and configuration.


Displays a list of valid arguments.

-Xverbose[:allocation | gc | gcverbose | class | classverbose | verifier | stackmaps | bytecodes | methods | methodsverbose | frames | stackchunks | exceptions | events | threading | monitors | networking | all ]

Enables verbose output.


Displays emulator device information.


Use a remote debugger (Device Connectivity Tool).

-Xrunjdwp:[transport=<transport>, address=<address>,server=[y|n],suspend=[y|n]

Debugging options.

-Xdescriptor:<jad file name>

The JAD file to be executed.

-Xheapsize:<size> (e.g. 65536, 128k or 1M)

Specifies the VM heapsize (overrides default value)


(Enter the following as an one-line command.)

C:\<Nokia_N97_SDK_installation_directory>\emulator -Xdevice:<Nokia_N97_SDK_installation_directory> -Xdescriptor:c:\myprojects\mymidlet.jad